A Fine Job

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When they finally got to the town, they all started to look around. The town looked like a classic town, well so it felt for Layla, sense she havent seen many towns in her life, like the rest of the orphans, or more like the group. 

Now someone turned to Layla, with a questioning face"How will we find a job? i mean we are all quiet young" Layla understood the question, and started thinking then said "We can just try to ask around" she sounded like she wasent sure that would work, but the person took  it, and they all continued to look around the town.

After walking a while, they had asked alot of stores, shops, and people for jobs, but no luck. They were giving up hope of finding a job, they decided to take a break, close to the towns little kingdom. 

They all sat and thought about what to do, when they saw someone selling meat and skin from an animal. Evelyn looked at Layla, so did Jackie. "We can hunt" Jackie said Evelyn nodded and added "Hunters!" Jackie even pointed to a poster close to them "We could even at some point have our own stand" Layla looked to where he was poniting, and saw a news wall, where the poster hang, she then nodded.

Layla now looked around and asked "Everyone alright with hunters?" she wanted to make sure everyone was alright with this. People nodded others said yes, Layla smiled and said "Alright, hunters it is!" Layla got up now, as did the others, knowing they would keep moving now. 

They walked a bit away from the town, finding a hill side, with a few caves, they together choose one, and decided to call that cave home. Everyone seatelled down, put their things down. Layla took a good look around, seeing this cave as not been used for a long time. She knew the others wouldnt like it, but it had to be done "Everyone! We gotta clean the cave, its not been used for a while" she saw their faces drop "I know you guys dont want to, but it has to be done at some point, better get it done right away, right?" the others now nodded, and got to work, Layla started helping too ofcourse. 

After they finished, it was getting kinda late, but they needed food, and not just to eat, also to sell. "I need a few people joining on a little hunt, so we have something tomorrow to sell, and something to eat" people looked at her with tired faces. She signed and walked out the cave, if no one helped, then fine, she could do it alone.

She walked out, and started to look around, she noticed the sun, sense it was shinning in her face. She walked a little before finding a few deers just standing and eating grass, she counted 3 deers. they all looked like adult deers. Layla now grabbed her knife, and realised she had 3. Perfect she thought, took all 3, and got ready to throw them all one by one. 

She now took a deep breath, and started to throw the 3 knives one by one. First one hit hit in the neck of a deer, second hit a second after, hitting chest of a deer. The last one bearly missed, the deer ran away, while it ran, Layla realised it was a little one, it was just so far behind that it looked older. She took a relifed sigh, and walked over to the 2 deers laying one the ground dead.

She grabbed both her knives, and cleaned them on her clothes  before draging the deers to the cave. While she walked back, she looked west to see where the sun was, seeing the sun wasnt to be seen, she looked east, and found the moon, it was starting to be late.

When she got closer to the cave, she stopped to listen. It was quiet, she listend... nothing... She dropped the deers legs on the ground, and walked slowly to inside the cave, listening if anyone or anything was there.

When she got in she looked around, they were sleeping, everything was alright... Suddenly a noice caught Laylas attention, she looked around, not seeing anything... thats when out of the shadows from the cave, an owl flew right above her head, just touching her head with its wings. She followed the bird with her eyes, seeing it fly out of the cave, she just stood there a minutte, thinking about what had just happend, and what bird was that, it wasent a normal owl...

She finally got back to reality and went back outside, grabbed the deers, and went back into the cave. She carefully placed the deers down, not trying to wake anyone up. She put the deers close to the campfire that was starting to go out. Layla desided to put more wood on the fire, and even some ekstra so that it could hold the hole night. She again looked around, now seeing some people shivering, she walked to her back and grabbed a few blankets. Layla now walked around the people, putting a blanket over the people who were shivering. When she had put her last blanket over someone, she saw one more person was cold. She walked over to her sleeping spot, and grabbed her blanket, walked back to the person, and put her blanket over them. She smiled while walking back to her spot. 

She looked at Jackie and Evelyn sleeping peacefully, she now layed herself next to them, closed her eyes, and soon she fell asleep.

She was running in the field with Jackie and Evelyn, she the weird owl, flew over her head. She looked around her for Jackie and Evelyn, they were gone... she now followed the bird, getting to a cliff. She stopped, the owl flew down to another grassy area. Layla now saw a very big boar, she blinked once, and suddenly she was right in front of the boar, running straight for her. She closed her eyes, seeing fire...

Then everything stopped.

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