The necromancer

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"We told you before, you are not getting in" One of the guards said to the queen. "No need" The queen said, the guards looked at each other, then the queen spoke again "We want to talk" The guards looked at eachother when one of them spoke up "Fine we will talk, but with only you" He said to the queen, as he brought one of his men with him, the queen looked at the man, he was quite small, but looked strong he was wearing some armour, and had short brown hair, he also wore a necklass, which Layla was wearing too... but the queen didnt noticed the necklass.

"I want one of mine with me, sense you have one of yours." The queen said, the guy nodded as agreement, and the queen looked at Layla, no words needed Layla walked with the queen to a more quiet spot, a bit away from the town. 

As the guy and the queen talked, Layla stood guard beside the queen, watching every move on the guy and his man, he was taller, he looked skinnier then the other guy, Layla even noticed a hand on his sword, so she did the same, just in case. Not only watching the 2 men, she also listened to the conversation, and her surroundings. Layla heared, they had never been banned from the town not really at least, but they just didnt want them in the town, because they are afraid the darkelves will take over the town once again. 

The Queen now got to the point of their missing chest, and they were told they could look in the town, no one would stop them, but they promised it wasnt in there. The queen looked at Layla, who understood, she nodded and walked away. Layla walked to one of the darkelves, taking him with her to look around the town for the chest. The little guy with armour met them at the bridge where guards were blocking the way for them. "They are allowed to look for their chest" The guards hesitated for a bit, but then made way for 2 darkelves to get through. 

Layla and the random darkelf boy, started looking around for the chest, Layla noticed eyes on her as she walked though the town, but it might not have been because of her race, but probably because she was wearing armour and had 3 scars on her face, 2 looking rather new. 

Layla and the darkelf met in the middle of the town, both havnt found it, they walked back out. Layla nodded to the boy, telling him he can go. The queen looked at Layla who shoke her head to her, but the queen wasnt finished with her just yet. She gave the sign to follow along, and Layla did just that, as they walked in the town, the queen took the time to tell her what they were doing. "I talked with the guy, and he will let us talk with people in control of the town to talk about our, not allowed to be in town thing" Layla nodded, right before they walked in a tent in the town. The 2 guys walked in after them.

In the tent there were a few other people, most of them in armour, not just guys, but also girls. As some people talked talking to each other, and the queen. Layla just listened, and it seemed they were waiting for a last person. As the people in the tent talked, she noticed that everyone in the tent wore the necklace Layla was wearing. The hole necklace thing meant working together, so everyone with the necklace were to help each other, and not be enemies, no matter the race. 

Everyone had the necklace on, besides the queen. Now the one person everyone waited for arrived, she seemed like an older woman, she had a staff, and also a necklace same to Laylas. She was a necromancer, Layla remembered her. When Layla was by Luna, she was told to find her, because Luna knew she was looking for people to make an alliance with. Layla thought it was a great idea, sense that means she would have protection if things went wrong, and also some ekstra help. 

Before Layla went to the darkelves, she found the necromancer, and talked with her. The necromancer saw potential in her, and decided to let her join the alliance. Layla got the necklace and was told "Try not to die" Now Layla stood in front of her again, the necromancer looked around the tent, seeing everyone but one with the necklace, she stayed a bit, then left, while people were discussing business. 

But there was not a lot of business talk, but laughter, it was quite entertaining to be there, Layla didnt say much, but the queen of course did, Layla was there for the queens protection anyways. "Yeah so, you are allowed to enter the town, it might just have been a misunderstanding on the guards part" One of the older armour guys said. As business was finished, Layla and the queen walked out of the tent, where they were stopped, by the ex adviser.

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