Someone is watching

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Layla quickly sat up, breathing faster, she looked around, just seeing out the cave, it was still night, she could see a few stars and the moon light shinning in the cave. The others were all sleeping. She got up, and walked quietly out of the cave, she sat down right outside. Layla looked at the moon now, she saw the beautiful stary night, her breathing got slower as she looked at the moon and stars. It had just been a dream, but it seemed so real, the owl she had seen before she went to sleep, she had been running in a field with Jackie and Evelyn... but the big boar, was that even possible? and why would it run straight for her... then the fire, what was that about? 

"Layla?" a voice came from behind her, Layla jumped up and turned around, she had been so in her own thoughts she hadnt heard Evelyn waking up and coming to her. "Are you alright? i mean your up late" She said conserned. "I had a dream" she answered "A nightmare?" Layla shook her head "No not a nightmare, just a weird dream" she said. Evelyn looked at her conserned, but didnt ask more about it "Lets just get back to sleep, we got a job to do tomorrow" she said and turned to walk back in the cave. Layla turned to look at the moon one last time, when she did a bird looking thing flue right past the moon. She shook her head, and walked back in the cave to Evelyn.

She went to sleep again, and woke up in the morning. Ate some breakfest with the others, went hunting, ate a snack, more hunting. Then going to the town, selling some meat and skin, maybe sometimes even antlers, or stuff like that. Going around the town buying things they need, then back to the cave. Maybe some more hunting for the next day, then eating dinner, and relaxing. Going to sleep, dreaming the same dream, waking up walking outside the cave, looking at the moon and stars, then going back to sleep.

A few days went like this, word had spread about new hunters selling good meat and skin, even antlers and other things. They started to make good money, they started to get enough money so that everyone could have a budget to spend on clothes. They even get really good at hunting, even as a team, they were of course 10 people, so it was quiet easy, they split up in groups of 5 when going hunting. Sometimes they even split even more if there were more animals around the same area. Sense they were working hard, they now already had gotten the stand, and now were counting for the budget for clothes.

"Alright everyone!" Layla called, everyone got inside the cave, and sat down in a circle. "Good news, we can finally go to the town and get new clothes" They were all happy, and hugged eachother, work paid of. She got up and started walking around the circle, handing everyone a part from the work. "This is what you got to spend on clothes, you dont have to spent it all, actually please try not to" she pasued the continued "rather something used now, then something new later, but if its new and cheap, go for it" She finished walking the circle and had one part left for herself. she turned to the others and smiled "So, lets go!"

When they go to the town, they spilt up and found they clothing. Layla found a white tank top, it looked like a shirt, it even had pockets. Then she found some black pants, with more pockets. She now walked to a weapon shop and brought herself a dagger. She got a belt and a holster for her dagger and knife she already had. She even found an extra belt and some black leather gloves. Lastly she got a pouch. 

When she was done she found the others and they all walked back to the cave. Now they started changing to their new clothes. Layla got her things on, and sat har front har back in a ponytail, to keep it from getting in her face.

When everyone had changed they all went hunting for once, all together. They walked a bit, before finding a little climf, where there was more grass a little further down... like in the dream Layla thought...

She walked to the edge to find the big boar standing there. She looked at the others, who nodded, as they could take it. Layla smiled, and handed 2 people some rope, which would be used to hold the boar down. They spilt into 4 groups. 2 in 2 of them and 3 in the other 2. Now they agreed on which groups would be working together, one 2 group and one 3 together. 

Now they got the groups, they talked plan. Layla told them the plan, the 4 goups come from different sides, one of the 2 working together groups has the rope, which will be thrown over to another group. So that the boar would be foursed to the ground. 

They all nodded and walked to position, now waiting for Layla's signal. Layla looked at the groups, then at her own, they nodded as they were ready. Layla raised her hand, then pulled her hand down pointing at the boar, that was the signal.

They all ran down to the boar, when they got close, Layla shouted "Rope!" as she said it, the groups with rope threw they rope diagonal. When the rope hit the other side, the groups without rope, grabbed the rope end that was thrown. "Pull!" Layla now shouted, as they caught the rope. They all pulled, soon a loud sound could be heard, the boar was down. Suddenly the boar started moving its head, using its tusk, to cut the rope. They all fell to the ground sense they were pulling. The boar got up and started running towards someone. Layla quickly jumped up, drew her sword, and ran towards the person, she pushed the person away, now she stood right in front of a running boar, coming straight for her. Before it could hit her, she held her sword up, right a second after the boar ran straight into the sword, getting it in its open mouth. 

The boar fell dead down, Layla looked to her side, and helped the person up she had pushed. They looked shocked at her, but nodded as a thank you, she nodded back as a your welcome. She now wanted to pull her sword back, but then Evelyn and Jackie ran to her, and hugged her tight. Not saying a word, just hugging. She pulled away, pulled her sword down, and climbed up on the boar, raising her sword in the air. They all clapped and cheered. Layla looked at the bloody sword in the air, now seeing the owl again...

She wanted to run after it, but she had meat to sell, and a stand to buy. They all helped cutting the boar in pieces and kept a bit of it themselves. Layla desided to keep one of the tusks, as a trophy. They cut of the skin and the other tusk, and walked to the town. As they got in the town, people looked at them with shock, then people ran towards them, wanting to buy some meat and skin. They sold the tusk for alot of coins, the meat and skin was fast gone. With the money made, they brought their own stand. They even got some better beds, so they didnt have to sleep on hard rocks anymore, warm blankets, and some warmer clothing for colder days. They took it back to the cave, now cooking the boar meat over the fire, and celebreting the kill of the boar and their stand. 

After a few hours, Layla went to get some fresh air. She looked at the moon shinning back at her, she smiled. now again... the owl... but this time it flue down to her, placing itself on a rock nearby. She looked confused at the bird, the bird simply nodded and flue away, see followed the bird with her eyes. ending up with looking back at the moon. 

Now Evelyn and Jackie joined her outside, hugged her from the side, now they all sat down, Layla in the middle. They all looked at the moon together. Layla got lost in thought again, thinking about the dream, the boar did run towards her, it was true so far. Then she thought about the owl, it seemed weird but, could that be someone who is watching her? her parents? a spy? who cared, but who would watch an orphan girl. If it even was someone, but everything could be possibal in this magical world.

She now put her arms around Evelyn and Jackie, they smiled, she could see, She smiled herself, and kept looking at the moon, that was still shinning at now the 3 of them.

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