The Feeling Of Freedom

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She looked out the open window, feeling the wind in her face, the sky was a little clouded, birds were singing the morning in, you could smell the frech flowers in the garden. In the distance she could see a forest and a few mountians, she tought of what would be behind there. Maybe a field where she could run through touching the tall grass.

"Layla come on, breakfest is ready" a voice pulled her from her mind, kinda in shock she turned around seeing a girl standing in front of her, "Daydreaming again?" she asked, Layla nodded, the girl smiled and took her by the hand, Layla took a last look out the window before being dragged out of the room, down the stairs and in the eating hall where all the other children were already eating.

They both sat down and started to eat, Layla being quiet as all ways while everyone was talking about their plans for the day, a boy turned to Layla "What will you do today?" he asked with intrest "She will probably just stare out the window daydreaming" she laughed, and other kids around joined in, Layla just stood up and left the room, having bearly eaten anything. This often happend, the other kids making fun of her, but she didnt care to much, all she wanted was to be free, like a bird flying in the sky, with nothing to worry about, but when the brid flys inside a house, it gets stuck and panics, and just wants to get back out.

Layla just walked outside, at a little lake in the garden of the orpanage, she sat down in the soft grass, just wanting to run away from there. "Its nice out here today, dont you think?" A boys voice said, she didnt borther looking up at who it was "May i sit here?" he asked with a sweet voice, Layla slowly nodded, he sat himself down, and looked around him at the beautiful nature, when he finally said "Dont listen to them, they are all just jealous that you can see the wonders of nature, like no one else can" Layla looked at him with a smile "you dont think im weird?" she asked, the boy smiles "your just different then the others, i see great potential in you" Layla just smiled at him, he then stood up and gave Layla his hand to grab "Im Jackie by the way" Layla grabbed his soft hand and got pulled up by him "Im guessing you already know my name" she laughed, he laughed and answerd "yeah i do know"

Layla in a quick move started running pulling Jackie by the hand leaving himno choice but to run with her. Running side by side around the garden, laughing and having fun, Layla felt free, like a bird that could fly so high as the clouds could reach.

The rest of the day went by fast, they had a lot of fun outside all day. The day ending in laying in the grass looking up at the night sky, filled with beautiful stars, the only light coming from the orphanage and the moon shining in the dark. 

Then a voice called "Jackie!! Layla!! get inside!" They looked at each other giggeld, and got up and walked inside with big smiles on their faces. They walked up the stairs hand in hand swinging them while walking upstairs to their rooms, at the top of the stairs they turned to each other letting go of each others hands "Today was very fun" Jackie said still smiling "Yeah, we should do this every day" Layla answerd with a smile. Jackie started walking to his room, Layla did the same "Good night" they both said at the same time and laughed at it. They then both walked into their rooms, and went to bed.

And thats how a great day ended, would it be the last? probably not.

A few days past like this, Layla being trash talked by the others, and then going outside to have fun with Jackie... But it cant always be a good day...

Layla walks down the massive stairs, just to hear something strange, she stood a moment thinking about the sound. there it was again, what was that? she thought, laughing could be heard "stop that!" someone said, the voice was familiar "aww who is gonna stop us? your little darkelf friend?" a girl laughed, others laughed with her. Layla now realising who the people were, turned red with anger, but decided to calm herself. She then walked to the people very calm. When she walked into the hallway, people turned to her seeing how surprisingly calm she was "Look who we have here, the darkelf coming to safe her friend" a girl said, Layla ignored her and walked to Jackie kneeled down to him and asked in a calm voice "are you alright?" he just looked at her, then shacked his head no. "What will you do about it?" the girl asked, people around her were starting to be scared of Layla, she was to calm. Layla again ignored her and helped Jackie up from the ground "Dont ignore me!" Layla didnt even borther looking at her, but walked away with jackie.

"Just leave them be Nicole" a girl said quietly, Nicole turned to the girl "If you want, you can have the same treatment as them, your just like them anyways" she said while slowly walking to her, the girl being affraid walked backwards soon reaching the wall behind her "Dont be scared, weirdo" Nicole said while pulling her arm above her head, the girl crumbeled to the ground protecting her head with her arms. Nicole was about to hit the girl when suddenly Layla jumped in front of her holding her arm, she looked right in Nicoles shocked eyes, she then smirked, and tried to punch Layla in the stomach with her other arm, Layla in a quick move got Nicole on the ground by pleaceing her foot behind hers and pushed her slightly back.

Nicole was shocked and looked in Layla's careless face, her face turned red, she got up and tried to push Layla to the ground, Layla gave a quick smirk, and let herself fall down with Nicole, close to the ground Layla rolled to the side and pushed herself up and on top of Nicole while she hit the ground. She was now pinned to the ground, looking up in shock, which soon turned to anger, while Layla looked calmly at her. "Come on punch me already" she said, Layla just looked at her "come on i know you want to, when behind that calm face" Layla remembered all the things she had done to everyone, she looked around for a bit, then in a quick move she punched Nicole very hard right on her nose, probably breaking it. Nicole screamed, Layla just got up and let her hold her nose, she walked over to grab the girl from before and Jackie, and went outside.

Jackie was to shocked to speak, he just looked at her, the girl was surprised too, Layla broke the silence "I couldnt let her hit you..." she said while looking at the green grass "She did deserve that hit" Jackie finally got words to talk, Layla looked up at Jackie seeing blood all over his face, Jackie already knowing what she would say cut her off "Its not your fault, i will be fine, dont worry, she got what she deserved" The girl now asked "should we tell Margret about the fight?" Layla looked at Evelyn "Would be a good idea, befo..." Layla was cut off by a voice calling "Layla get your ass inside!!" Margret yelled loud, Jackie finished her sentanse "Before Nicole does..." Layla nodded as yes while walking inside. Jackie and Evelyn followed behind Layla, the 3 of them walked to Margrets office. The door was open and Margret stood in front of the door, looking down at Layla, not even looking at Jackie's bloody face, whish told Layla that Nicole lied in the story...

Margret spoke with an angry voice "I only want to speak with Layla" not taking her eyes of her. Layla looked at the 2 behind her, gave them a nod, and walked inside the office, Margret slamed the door behind her. Inside Nicole was standing with a coldbag on her nose, smiling at Layla, but when Margret turned to the 2 girls, she looked sad and like her nose hurt very bad. 

Margret turned to Layla and asked her still with anger in her voice "Why did you hit Nicole on the nose?" Layla looked with anger at Nicole, but then she went calm, Nicole backed up a little seeing her calm face again. "I told you, she saw me hanging out with Jackie and got jealous" Nicole said sounding sad, Margret sighed and asked "Is this true, Layla?" the Layla part was so Nicole didnt answer again. Layla looked at the ground and said "That is not what really happend" Margret looked surprised but also not and asked "What really happend then" She pointed a finger to Nicole who was about to say something, telling her to be quiet. "I saw Nicole hitting Jackie, i went to help him, i didnt even touch her, untill she tryed to hit Evelyn, but there i just held her arm, after she hgad tryed to hit me mutable times, i hit her" Layla said while looking right in Margrets eyes, not looking away, which told her that this might be true.

Nicole broke in"She dosent even have prove!" Layla smirked and said "I dont? Jackie and Evelyn are my proves" She looked back at Margret, who understood right away "Jackie, Evelyn please come in" they both walked in, Margret not noticing the blood on Jackies face, turned to Evelyn and asked "assouming you heard everything, it what Layla saya true?" Evelyn looked at Layla then at Nicole, then back to Margret "It is true, and you can even ask other people, they will say the same thing" 

Margret nodded to Evelyn and said "I think we are done here, oh and Jackie please go clean yourself up" she then turned to Nicole looking at her with disaponitment "You stay here a little longer" Margret then looked over her shoulder to Layla, smiled and said "Go on, your free to go" Layla nodded and took Evelyn and Jackie by their hands, and went out of the room, Margret closed the door behind them. 

After Jackie was cleaned up. Layla was sitting outside thinking, what if she ran away, she could be free, do what ever she wanted to do...

Then Jackie and Evelyn sat down next to her, she smiled "im glad i have 2 great friends now" she said happy, putting her arms around both of them. Jackie and Evenlyn did the same with Layla. Now the 3 of them were watching the sunset together.

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