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Layla looked around the town, as the queen and the ex adviser talked. It seemed like he had been waiting for them to finish their talk in the tent. Cause after they walked out, he quickly stopped them, and asked to talk with the queen under 4 eyes. 

Layla was now waiting for them to finish their talk, she could hear most of the conversation. The ex adviser, well lets call him Bastian now. So Bastian was trying to get the queen, to make him the general, and throw Layla from that spot. The queen didnt seem happy about this talk, and was getting annoyed at him. Layla could see Bastian looking at her while talking with the queen, so she knew exactly what he was talking about, or more who it was about. 

The queen now walked back to Layla, looking annoyed. "Why is she even general? What has she done for you? Im a much better choice." Bastian said, being jealous that Layla won the fight. The queen answered with a loud and clear voice "Because she is loyal, she stays with me, and dosent leave my side, like you do." With that said, the queen started walking away, and Layla gave Bastian a death stare, and followed the queen out of the town. 

Walking out of the town, Layla could see the group, she got eye contact with a few of them. As she walked she remembered, she had walked away from a conversation with them, and felt a little bad. Layla now got an idea, they were a big group, seemed strong, so Layla walked up to them "Hello" Layla started, the group looked at Layla, the kind of leader of them, said "Oh hello, how are you?" Layla smiled a bit, and answered "Im fine, just trying to find a gold chest from the dark elves, which has been taken from us." The group smiled "Do you know who took it?" Layla looked a bit down, then back up "No, sadly not, but when i find them, i will kill them." The group looked between them, seeing Laylas serious face, and she was not lying, she was gonna kill them, whoever they were. The group leader looked at Layla "We will join you."

"But first, do you want to be our friend?" Layla was a little confused, then without thinking to much about it she said "Yes, i did think we were friends before" The group leader smiled "Good choice, hand me the blood" Layla looked confused, as the leader guy was handed his so said blood. 

He now held out his hand, Layla understood and put her hand in his. He now smirked, and smired a finger on her hand, Layla could feel something cold on her hand, knowing it was blood. While she looked in the guys eyes, she could feel a powerfull spark, she felt stronger than before, But also something leaving, was it... a part of her soul... yeah thats totally fine. 

As the guy took his hand away from Layla, another guy walked up to her, and took her hand in a hand shake, as she now had a white powder (flour) on her hand. He guy smiled to her, he was a darkelf... something, who probably was banished or just was sike of being around darkelves, or he just found this group and decided to join them. Layla didnt really what or why he wasent with the darkelves anymore, she just wanted help. 

Now a smaller person walked up to the group, with a big smile. The leader guy happily told the smaller person "We have a new friend" He said as he looked towards Layla, who looked at them, the person looked like some sort of forest creature, who with a even bigger smile walked to Layla, and asked "You want to be a friend of the forest too?" Layla looked a little unsure, the forest? not the best idea, sense she has a darkelf. But she wanted their trust, and as she looked around, they all were looking at her, expecting a yes, so Layla took a deep breath and answered "...Sure..! If you can find space" Layla looked at her hand, being full of blood and white powder.  The forest person, spun in a circle and grabbed something, she signed for Layla to make herself smaller, she did as asked. The forest person now removed her hair from her forehead, and gave her a sign on her forehead. Layla felt a little like she was betraying the darkelves, but it had to be done. 

After all of that, Layla explained what had happend, and they talked about who could have taken the chest. They now started walking to a base, when Layla noticed the darkelves where there, but she didnt want to turn around, sense a few darkelves had seen her, and were walking towards her. They just looked at each other and Layla nodded, to tell them she is fine. Now they were close to the base, and the darkelves were on high alert, like always, the darkelvf queen now saw Layla, and walked to her. "What the hell happend to you?" The queen looked at her forehead, mostly, "Its a long story" Layla replayed, the queen nodded, understanding that she had a plan.

The old darkelf guy now looked at the group in front of him, and noticed Layla standing with them, "Why is our generel with you?!" He looked at the group, probably thinking they did something to her, when Layla spoke up "They are helping us to get the chest back in our hands." The old guy looked at her, he then looked to the queen who stood next to her, who now walked to his side, and he nodded to Layla. Who knew he knew what he had on her forehead, lucky he couldnt send the darkelves to kill her, cause the queen trusted her. 

After a while of the 2 groups standing in the same spot, and Layla having explained her plan to the queen, the darkelves left and Layla stayed with the group. "I would like some blood, some special blood" The leader guy said, Layla knew exactly what blood that was, it was the blood the ex adviser Bastian had. She smirked at the plan she had gotten. "I know who has it" She said, and the hole group looked at her, "Who?" the leader guy asked, Layla answered "I dont remember his name, but i can point at him." The leader guy smirked, seeming to like the idea, "What do we do when we find him?" another person asked. Layla now smirked "We could kill him" The darkelf guy lit up and said "Good idea!" The leader guy looked at Layla and said "Lead the way!" with a big smirk on his face, Layla started walking and the hole group followed Layla to the good city. 

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