Chapter 23

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The next day Jennie had finally gotten Taehyung to go in for his appointment to get his ears and tail removed.

Jungkook offered to drive him and now they were setting in the car, Jungkook driving while Taehyung leaned his head against the window in silence. The raven peaked at the boy from the corner of his eye and swallowed the lump in his throat before reaching to take the boys hand in his own.

"Why did you come back?" Taehyung asked now pulling his hand away from Jungkook's just as quickly as the man had grabbed it with his own.

"Taehyung there's some things you just couldn't understand." He bit his lip and placed both hands back on the wheel rolling his eyes to himself.

"Oh, Like the fact you were about to leave forever and possibly risk me dying if I didn't have a mate?"

"How d-"

"Jennie told me, Hybrids have to have a mate on their 16th Birthday or they die." The raven nodded and looked over at the boy who now was staring at him with a puzzled expression.

"Its true, I was going to leave. But I thought it was the right thing to do. I didn't know if you were just being influenced by what your father wanted to happen all along, I didn't know if there was a way to prevent any of this from having to happen. I Just wanted you to get a chance to figure everything out yourself, I didn't know you would lock yourself in a room."

This made Taehyung laugh under his breath, The kind of laugh you know carries more to it. Anger and certainly death for anyone who said a word after it.

"I locked myself in a room because when you left your Sorry excuse for a mother and mine had a man try to harass me sexually in my own bedroom. " if You thought it was silent before you couldn't imagine the silence after the words left Taehyungs mouth.

The car jerked to a stop locking up both their seatbelts and the car behind them swerved just in time to miss them, Honking loudly on the way by.

"Another man touched you!" Taehyung backed up against the door, Never seeing Jungkook quite as angry as he was just then, His face had shifted to a shade of red and suddenly his eyes held a sort of evil the hybrid had never thought possible from his mate.

"It wasn't my fault." Taehyung whispered feeling a tear sting his eyes as the anger radiated through their mate bond, Taehyung being the only one who could feel it finding fear that Jungkook was mad at him.

Seeing Taehyungs Eyes Jungkook straightened his expression and stuck his tongue against his cheek in anger cursing in his head to himself about both the adults in the situation.

"I know it wasn't your fault Taehyung, I'm sorry I just couldn't imagine another man touching you right now. I simply cant believe that two grown adults I trusted put you in that position."

Jungkook proceeded to drive , The car going silent again as Taehyung stared out the window trying to tap back into their mate bond to see how Jungkook was feeling.

"I can feel you doing that you know." The raven whispered making Taehyung jump a little at the sudden voice.

"So your admitting that you are my mate then?" Taehyung smirked to himself waiting for a response sensing that whatever Jungkook was thinking about made him very very uncomfortable.

"Yes, That's why I'm here after all."

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