Chapter 3

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After everyone had went home Jungkook headed to the breeding lab, walking down the long hallway until he got to the metal door, He swiped his ID card in it before it unlocked and allowed him in, closing loudly behind him as he went to the file room.

He found jennies file and what room she was sent to, As well as alot of other information he really didn't need to look at. He put down the file and walked to the room she was being held in, swiping his card and entering it.

He sighed as he saw her hands handcuffed to the bed, her body completely bare. He quickly grabbed a blanket out of the cabinet beside her bed.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered as he leaned down and pecked her head.

The poor female hybrid was only fourteen now and had already been put through so much. He layed the blanket over her silently and remembered Petal.

He looked back at her before opening the door and making his way back to the nursery, when he got there he saw a sleeping Taehyung laying in the crib yet to be fed since he had been born.

Jungkook had to feed him quick or else the little fox wouldn't survive much longer.

He grabbed the milk out of the back fridge which they had got out of Jennie at some point today and placed it in the small bottle they had prepared for Petal.

He microwaved it for a few seconds before coming back and picking the baby up in his arm, Setting down beside the crib as he tried to get the small hybrid to wake up.

The small fox whining as it did before seeing Jungkook. It quickly quieted down and stared up at him as he smiled and guided the bottle to it's mouth being sure to watch the babies movements and breathing as he started drinking slowly, looking up at jungkook in amazement.

After the bottle was half gone, he pulled it from the small babies mouth and sat the container on the counter, cleaning the small foxes face with his lab coat sleeve as he watched it fall asleep slowly.

Quickly setting it back in the cradle as he moved the chair a little closer to peer into the cradle as the baby slept.

"I promise to take good care of you Petal. Don't you worry a bit, I've got you." He whispered to the baby.

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