Chapter 2

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Jungkook slipped into the meeting room along side Jimin as they're head scientist, Raphael spoke.

"So the whole plan has to change now, The baby came out a male so we will be going with our original plan B." Jungkook raised his hand as everyone looked at him.

"Whats Plan B?" He asked, Being the only new scientist, he was the only one who probably didn't know.

"I'm glad you ask." Raphael walked to the white board in the front of the room and wrote down, Male hybrid behavior.

"So what we know about male hybrids from recent studies is that they like to breed with hybrid males, You see that's our problem here. We have no other male hybrids so we will have to breed our new baby with a human male." Raphael noted this under the words on the whiteboard

"Does everybody understand what that means?" He asked as Jimin nodded joining him up at the front.

"We will have to choose a partner for him before his age of maturity, they can only form a bond with one person, and our new hybrid will have to conceive during his heat cycle in sixteen to fifteen years." Jimin spoke making everybody look at him shocked.

"So this sets our whole plan, aside considering that if we would of had a female baby we could have breeded her with a male human easily and at a younger age without going through the trouble of the devine womb or waiting so long."

All the scientist nodded as Jimin spoke, taking notes quickly.

"That's it. Everyone is dismissed until tommorow." Raphael put down the marker as Jimin whispered in his ear.

Jungkook was about to leave until he heard his head scientist ask him to stay and shut the door.

"Jungkook , I have a special assignment for you." Raphael spoke as he leaned on the head of the table, Jimin behind him silently.

"Of course, anything to help out." Jungkook smiled.

"As you know, Hybrids are very social animals and they usually only take a liking to one or two people, Since our hybrid, who we have named Taehyung, will be staying away from his mother I would like to assign you to take care of him and socialize with it."

Jungkook frowned, Away from it's mother?

"What happened to Jennie ?" He asked making jimin smile.

"She has been sent back to the breeding part of the lab where, I myself will be breeding her tommorow afternoon." Jimin spoke smiling proudly afterwards.

"she just had a baby, Don't you think she needs a break after such a thing?" Jungkook asked looking after the hybrid he had only known for a couple days but had got attached to.

"At this point jungkook, we don't have an option we really need to get another female hybrid so we won't have to wait so long to continue our research." Raphael spoke.

"Female hybrids can be breeded at age twelve at the earliest, while our little Taehyung will have to wait until he goes into heat at fifteen or sixteen. That's a long time." Jungkook frowned but nodded, telling himself he would pay Jennie a visit later tonight.

"Okay, I will be sure to look after the baby." He bowed as he left the room leaving the head scientists to talk.

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