Chapter 27

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Waking up with Taehyung in his arms felt normal for Jungkook there were so many nights in the lab like so, However now waking up and knowing that they were going to be mates it made Jungkook a little uncomfortable.
He tried to brush passed the thought and close his eyes to sleep again, instead Taehyung stirred and woke up, hybrid senses, Jungkook rolled his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

"Jungkook." Taehyung poked his nose with a finger making then raven open his eyes again to meet the brown doe ones infront of him.

"Yes Tae?" He said in a pretend sleepy voice.

"It's morning." The white fox rolled off the bed and onto the ground, Stretching against the hotel floor underneath him.

He reached up to scratch his ears and frowned touching the emptiness that was now replaced with his silver locks.

He now caressed his human ears gently and turned to look at the raven who was dozing off again.

"JUNGKOOk!" He screamed and Got up on his feet to run for the bathroom after practically Screeching the oldest name as loud as possible.

Just as he assumed The Raven got up and Ran after him, He reached the bathroom door and was two seconds shy of closing it when the raven got ahold of him and tickled his sides, making the fox giggle and shake out of his reach.

Once Taehyung got out of his hold he turned back around to face the raven who now adorned a smile.
Although it wouldn't be the best time to mention it Taehyung couldn't help but let the words slip.

"I missed you." He let the tears come to his eyes, as he embraced the broad chest of the raven tightly.

And to the youngest Surprise Jungkook wrapped his arms around the boys frail figure and kissed his forehead gently.

"I missed you to Petal."

The name made Taehyungs heart set happily in his chest, After all this time being apart things finally felt normal again. Although Taehyung wanted to be mates more than anything, he would happily settle for regular old Jungkook right now.

"Yeah, I laid in the back yard at Jennie's a lot while you were gone." Taehyung smiled at the thought, rolling around on the grass underneath him.

Jungkook had thought it would be best to have outside time, since he needed to get some things done on his laptop and it would keep Taehyung entertained for the moment.

The silver head boy had been babbling all about the time they had spent apart and Everything he did to fill the time, meanwhile Jungkook made mini comments, and nodded to the story's while he tried to figure out what was next for the two.

"Anyways, I want a cat someday."
Jungkook nodded at this, and Taehyung rolled his eyes, flipping back onto his back with a huff.

"I'm taking a nap, your not even listening." Jungkook wanted to feel bad, but he had more important things to focus on, like the fact that Raphael  had sent him over 50+ emails in the last two weeks.

They were looking , Jungkook knew they were but with his new haircut, and ID, and Taehyung practically looking like a whole new person, and being over two hours away, they would have to look a long time.

Jungkook knew it wasn't life or death if he didn't figure it out right away, but he felt the urge to make everything perfect for the younger, especially giving the life he had to endure up to this point.

Taehyung deserved to live a better life.

The sun was setting by the time Jungkook finally packed up his laptop and turned to the sleeping boy who's head laid beside his lap.

He took a second to take a deep breath and admire the fox. He had always known that Taehyung was beautiful, all hybrids were. But knowing that he would have to try to make a mate bond out of their relationship still sat like a rock in his throat.

He would try his best not to think about the days in the lab anymore, convincing himself that he had meant Taehyung a few weeks back, or that him and that Jungkook were two different people.

But no matter how you put it, or tried to look at it the situation didn't get any better in Jungkooks head.

However he could admit that he had noticed small things about Taehyung recently that made him smile to himself, and the mate bond was healing between them, Jungkook often felt a satisfying drop in his chest when Taehyung was around now.

He lifted his hand and placed it on the silver head boys cheek gently, caressing the skin with his thumb.

"You will certainly be the death of me, Taehyung."

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