Chapter 29

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Jungkook sat in the parking lot waiting to pick Taehyung up when he saw the younger walk through the door laughing with a taller Male.

He peered at the two as Taehyung laughed and Punched the Brunettes shoulder, making the man laugh back at him.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and started the car, waiting for the younger to say goodbye to his friend.

Now that they were closer, Jungkook realized The man was walking Taehyung to the car actually, and he straightened his hair with his hand quickly, Setting up in the seat a little.

Just when the man was about to open Taehyungs door for him, Jungkook stretched over the seat and got the handle himself pushing it open.

"Oh, Hello!" Loki bent his knees to looked down into the car at Jungkook and give a tiny wave.

"Taehyung's Dad I assume?" And just the look the raven gave Taehyung, told Taehyung everything he already knew. Loki and Jungkook weren't going to get along very well.

"Actually I'm Taehyung Boyfriend, Thanks for walking him to the car." Jungkook straightened his back, looking forward now, tongue in cheek.

Taehyungs eyes widened at this, In shock but also happiness, Had Jungkook really just called himself Taehyungs Boyfriend?


"Yep that's Jungkook." Taehyung giggled and rolled his eyes at the older boy who now was face palming himself in embarrassment.

Taehyung had told Loki so much about Jungkook Already, But Loki hadn't known Jungkook would be twice the youngers age, No wonder it through him off.

"Well, that was awkward.... Anyways I will see you Later Taehyung, nice meeting you today." They did a weird motion in between and hand shake and a high five before Taehyung embraced the older. He glanced Sideways at this mate, and Smirked  at the expression of jealously on his face.

"See you tomorrow Loki!"  The older male walked away as The blonde got in the passenger seat, and closed the car door gently behind himself.

Not a word was said the car ride home, But Jungkooks hand was gripping Taehyungs Upper Leg so hard his knuckles were practically purple.

The younger didn't mind, Actually he was Thriving on the inside, Not only had he made Jungkook jealous but Jungkook had admitted out loud that they were Boyfriends.

When they pulled up to the hotel, Jungkook unbuckled Taehyungs belt for him, and took a deep breath before putting the car into park, running his hands down his face in exhaustion.

"Do I look old enough to be your father?" He asked making the blonde stiffle a tiny laugh under his breath, Shaking his head playfully.

"Oh my god. No you don't Jungkook, he was just playing around." The blonde gave the older a smile, and turned around in the seat placing his back against the door, his knees finding their way to his chest.

"Your my boyfriend huh?" He asked making Jungkook roll his eyes, He clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth.

"Yeah so why didn't this Loki guy know that?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow at the raven.

"He did, It just through him off, I guess he assumed you would be our age." Taehyung laughed now hurriedly escaping the car, as he ran up the stairs of the hotel and through the door, Jungkook chasing after him for the joke.

Taehyung through his book bag on the bed and Hid on the other side of the mattress, blocking his view from the door way, As he tried to calm his breathing.

"Ah no, you can't just make jokes like that petal."
Jungkook spoke entering the room as he looked around, Taehyung could hear him walk into the bathroom and hurriedly got up, shutting the door behind the older as he held onto the knob.

"Oh you little shit." Jungkook chuckled on the other side, shaking the door knob to loosen Taehyungs grip.

Taehyung gasped as the door was pulled open in one big swing, his body getting pulled with it, as he practically collided with the older whos arms found him just in time to steady him.

"Damn petal I didn't know you would just let go like that." The raven laughed, stroking Taehyungs side gently.

The blonde rolled his eyes at this hitting Jungkooks hand off of him, playfully.

"Yeah right! I didn't let go you-" Taehyung was cut off by Jungkooks eyes, they were staring at his lips and Jungkooks other hand had somehow found the small of his back.

"You pulled.... You..... you pulled the door to hard." Taehyung lowered his voice, blushing as he met Jungkooks eyes with his own now.

The raven swallowed audibly hard as he let his hand slip off Taehyung back, and parted from the younger wiping his hands on his shirt awkwardly.

Taehyung tried not to let himself feel disappointed, and shot the raven an embarrassed smile.

"You gotta admit It was a funny joke!" He cleaned up the conversation and walked back into the room, Throwing himself on the mattress, trying to hide his rapid heart beat.

Why couldn't Jungkook just make up his mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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