Chapter 13

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Jungkook woke up to gurgles in his face as little Taehyung smiled at him. He chuckled and shook his head.

"What are you doing?" He cooed at the three year old that smiled shyly.

"Look Kook, I made you someting." He held out a poorly made bead bracelet that was yet to be tied off making Jungkook chuckle and set up, moving him to his lap before taking the beads into his palm, tying off the bracelet.

"Very good job, I love it." Jungkook smiled at the fox as Taehyung smiled proudly.

"I'm the pest at making brawelets." He declared as Jungkook nodded, slipping the bracelet on his wrist.

"You sure are." He ruffled the boys hair before getting up, heading over to the breakfast counter in they're new little room, no longer needing to live in the nursery.

"What do you want for breakfast bubby?" Jungkook asked yawning as he grabbed a cup of coffee and poured some sugar into it, giving it a small stir.

"nana." He said softly as he laid down on Jungkooks matress and watched the older grab the food, slicing it in thin pieces before bringing it over to him .

He only looked at the plate before he burried his head into jungkooks pillow.

" Are you not going to eat?" He asked rubbing the hybrids back as the three year old shook his head, telling Jungkook he wasn't hungry.

"Then why did you ask for food?" He chuckled taking the plate back as he put it in the fridge returning to the bed as he laid down beside him, white ears over his little face as the fox pouted.

Jungkook smiled, used to the foxes little episodes of being sad or mad for no reason.

"Awe come on petal, Don't be mad, you don't have to eat breakfast it's okay." He pulled him close against his chest making him whine before finally giving in, gripping the man's shirt as jungkook cooed.

Petal had grown quite a bit, he could finally form some sentences and he could ask for things, jungkook didn't know alot about kids but he was sure he was learning just fine. Jungkook would have to start teaching him in a couple years though.

Taehyung and him had got the privilege of another much larger room when the boy had grown to big to stay in the nursery, Rapheal had even built onto they're building to give the pair privacy so Taehyung could grow up without the constant crazyness of the lab.

Honestly jungkook hardly left the room, He stayed with tae everyday and only took short breaks to step in the hallway and call his parents to check up on Jennie, the fox pouting each time he did.

To say the least they both enjoyed each moment they spent together, and Jungkook couldn't bear to leave the little fox by himself.

They were one small, loving family and that was okay with the both of them for now.

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