1.) Gorgeous

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Airica's P.O.V

She's so perfect.

Candice Alice.

She's been my best friend for as long as I can remember, but about four years ago I fell for her.

I never told her, or anyone for that matter. I can't have her anyway. She is dating some dickhead named Alex.

And yes, I am only calling him a dickhead because he gets to have the most amazing, and gorgeous girl in the world. She deserves way better then him. All he ever does is smoke pot and get drunk.

I don't know what she sees in him. He isn't even attractive, but then again I'm in to her. Obviously.

I look over at the clock, and see that it is super late and Alex will be leaving her house for work in about ten minutes.

I quickly stand up and check myself out in my mirror before leaving. I look decent enough in the black dress I'm currently in.

I grab my phone off of my bed and climb out my window so my parents don't find out I'm sneaking out. I haven't been caught yet, and I don't want to start now. I don't wanna get grounded.

I quickly go into the woods and find the path.

The same path I use, nearly every night, to go to Candice's house.

I know, I'm being super creepy when I do this, but I have to see her. I barely ever hangout with her anymore because of Alex. She isn't allowed to see anyone other then him and her family.

I'd go fucking crazy if I go to long without seeing her, and since it is the middle of Summer, I have to see her this way.

I only ever ran into someone once on this path and it was my neighbor Luke. He never asked me why I was out her, and he didn't bother to follow me. I haven't spoke to him since.

Him and his mates used to invite me over to swim in his pool all the time, but now I never see them. I don't go outside. Ever sine Candice and I stopped hanging out, I don't leave my house unless I go with my mum or I'm sneaking off to her house at night.

As I am walking down the path tonight, I hear arguing.

It's a couple, and the girls voice is Candice.

"I want you be honest with me. Have you seen her?" Candice yelled.

"Seen who?" Alex asked her.

"Airica, she hasn't bothered to call or text me in months. What did you tell her Alex?" Candice shouted at him, they shortly came into view, so I quickly got behind a tree and peeked around the trunk to watch them.

"I told her what she needed to hear. You're my Candy. No one else's." Alex shouted, and Candice stepped back from him.

"I understand you not wanting me to talk to Luke and his friends, but Airica? Me and her have been friends since we couldn't do anything but shit ourselves, and cry. Now you want me away from her? Fuck that, I'm going to her house right now!" Candice shouted back and tried to walk away, but Alex grabbed her by her hair.

"You're not going anywhere princess." Alex said to her before dragging her in the house by her hair and slamming the door shut.

I just watched them argue the point of her getting hurt, and didn't say anything. I didn't stop it.

I don't care what Alex says. I am talking to her tomorrow.

A/n- I added a picture of Candice Alice so you know what she looks like.

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