17.) Second Chances

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Airica's P.O.V

I was sitting by the pool at Luke's house when I heard someone sneaking around the side of Luke's house, and I assumed it was just one of the boys being weird since they all are.

"Airica, we need to talk." The voice sent chills down my spin.

"Yes we do need to fucking talk." I snapped as I stood up and pushed my sunglasses on my head so she could see my eyes.

"You're boyfriend tried to sleep with me last night. I would have told you sooner but you know I can't always get away with Alex around." Candace started saying but I didn't let her finish.

"No he didn't. You tried to get him to leave me alone so you could have me. You tried to fuck him, not the other way around. Don't act like the innocent one Candace." I snapped and she looked shocked.

"No seriously, you gotta believe me Airica, would I ever lie to you?" She asked me.

"Really Candace? You lied about Alex abusing you, you lied about loving m, and now you're lying to me and saying that Luke tried to cheat on me when you are the one who cheated on your boyfriend. I have a fucking video of what happened last night. You undid Luke's pants yourself Candace! Alex is in Luke's house already watching it for himself." I snapped and her face dropped.

"No no no no. Airica, he's gonna beat the shit out of me for that! How could you do that to me. I'm your best friend." Candace said and I could see tears coming to her eyes.

"I'm sorry Candace, but you broke my heart. It's about time you realize what you made me feel." I said and I saw Alex standing in the door way.

"Candy, I saw you. How could you do that to me? All this time I thought it was Airica's fault you were distant, but apparently you wanted to leave me all this time." Alex said.

"I did because you hit me and treat me like shit. I love Airica and I want her." Candace said.

"Then have her. I'm done with your ass. You have a week to find a place to go." Alex said before we walked back into the house.

"Airica, please-"

"You can stay with me if you promise not to pull any shit like that with my boyfriend again. I do care about you Candace, I'm not capable of jut throwing out  a friendship like that." I said and she slightly smiled.

"Really?" She asked.

"Don't get me wrong, what you did last night makes my blood boil, but we have been friends since we were in diapers. So I will give you another chance." I said.

"Airica, I really don't deserve this. Thank you." She said.

"However Candy, if you try anything on Luke again, or me for that matter, I will fucking kill you. Got it?" I said in a very serious tone and she nodded her head vigorously.

"I understand Airica. Just thanks for not giving up on me." She said

"You're lucky. I almost did. Luke talked me out of it."

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