13.) Two Wrongs Make A Right

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Airica's P.O.V

"So wait a second. Candice broke into Luke's house and confessed that she loved you, while you and Luke were having sex in the shower?" Michael asked. I nodded my head and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Okay, that's a whole new level of crazy. What about her boyfriend? Austin or whatever his name is." Calum asked.

"His name is Alex, not Austin. But she apparently doesn't love him, or even like him in any way. She said she only got with him to get over me, but it never worked. I just find it odd that she still told Luke when she knew it was me in the shower. She even told me she knew it was me." I explained and the boys all shrugged.

I finally decided to tell all of Luke's friends how Luke and I became a thing after all of the years we have known each other and been neighbors. None of them seemed disgusted or anything, just a little bit shocked about how much they missed.

"If she knew it was you, and she knew you were with Luke, why would she still tell him that she loved you? Didn't she suspect that it was too late and that you moved on?" Michael asked.

"I don't know." I said.

As we are sitting here, thinking off all of the reasons that Candice would tell him all of that.

I personally think that she is doing it just to mess with my head. If she actually liked me, why wouldn't she have just told me when I confessed it to her?

Why wouldn't she talk to me about it when I needed her too? Why did she just push me away like that, and tell me that we can't be friends or talk to each other anymore.

Why is she pretending to be someone she isn't?

It would be some much easier if she would just be real. If she wouldn't be such a fake. I never did anything to her to deserve all this stress from her.

All I ever did was tell her how I felt, and after seeing and hearing how she acted when she found out, I can gladly say, I don't think my feelings for her will ever be a problem ever again.

I love Luke now.

I always will.

"So Airica, when did you and Luke actually become official, instead of just fuck buddies?" Ashton asked me.

"Last night, when I went and told Candice to leave me alone." I said, and he nodded.

"I was just wondering because a few nights ago, I thought I saw him sneaking off in the woods somewhere, and you weren't with him. But if you weren't official, that doesn't matter right?" Ashton asked.

I looked over at Luke. Knowing the only house in the woods, belonged to Candice.

"No it doesn't matter, but I would still like and explanation Luke. Why were going to her house?" I asked him.

"She asked me to meet her so we could talk about you." Luke said.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked him.

"Because, I knew you would follow me if you knew I was going to see her." Luke explained, and he was right. I would have tried to listen to what they were saying if I knew he was going to see her.

"What we talked about doesn't matter. All she did was ask me if you were okay after everything that happened between you two, and I told her you were gonna be perfectly fine if she just stayed away. And she didn't listen to me. It was three nights later she came to my house while you were there." Luke explained.

"Why is she so obsessed with my life all of a sudden?" I asked.

"Because she loves you. And wants to take you away from me." Luke said.

"Well two wrongs don't make a right Luke. She messed up. She can't make me come crawling back to her." I said.

"Sadly Airica, sometimes two wrongs, do make a right."

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