7.) I'll Gladly Help

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Airica's P.O.V

"I'll gladly help you find out." Luke said. I wasn't sure what he meant by that, so I just raised an eyebrow at him hoping he would explain more to me.

"Have you kissed girls?" He asked me.

"A few, but I've also kissed guys." I said. He nodded his head.

"How about sex?" He asked me, I couldn't help but giggle at him.

"Your hilarious. I'm to awkward for that. I've gotten close, but never actually did it." I confessed.

"Are you serious?" He asked me. I nodded my head. And he just smiled.

"That makes what I am about to say so much better." He said in a joking tone of voice.


"Well if you wanna find out if your straight or a lesbian, you gotta have sex with both genders. I'd gladly be you fuck buddy so you can find out." Luke said.

My mouth dropped open when those words fell out of his mouth. Is it cray to say yes? Or would it be crazy for me to say no.

Everyone. At school would have been dying at the chance to climb into bed the Luke Hemmings, so should I take the chance?

"Okay. But how will that prove anything unless I fuck a chick too?" I asked him.

"Well let's just focus on us for now, and if you feel awkward or wrong doing it with a guy then we will have to find ourselves another lesbian for you to figure out I that's what you like." Luke said. I nodded and took a moment to think about everything, and take it all in.

"Okay, I'll do it. I just have a few questions Luke." I said.

"Shoot." He said

"What about me getting pregnant? Or if I feel to awkward will you stop? And what if anyone finds out about us what will we say?" I asked him all the questions at once.

"I won't get you pregnant. I can get condoms, or I'll pull out. If you feel to awakened or are in pain or anything like that tell me. I'll stop if you want me to. And if anyone finds out we have two options. Lie and say we are dating, or just tell them we are friends with benefits." Luke answered all of them.

"I think we should lie. Saying we are fuck buddies, or friends with benefits, whichever we say word make us both sound like sluts. I don't wanna be categorized as that." I said. Luke nodded and smiled at me.

"So do you wanna actually give dating a shot? Without all the lovey dovey feelings. Just a kiss here and there, and sex?" Luke asked me.

That sounded like a better plan then saying we were fuck buddies. That way we could tell people we were together and it wouldn't seem like such a big deal.

I nodded my head in agreement.

"Alright girlfriend. Go home and go to bed." Luke said in a joking voice.

"Shut up boyfriend. I do what I want." I joked back and we both started laughing. I gave Luke a hug before we walked our separate ways and back into our houses.

Our rooms were right across from each other, so I watched as his light went out.

Did I really hit agree to date and fuck Luke Hemmings?

My neighbor, and best friend for years?

I think I did.

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