23.) Happy

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Airica's P.O.V

I'm happy that Candice is gone. Now I can focus on what really matters, Luke.

Him and I have been back to normal ever since I told him about what happened that night.

Ashton still hasn't told Luke what I told him when we talked, and I don't think he ever will. I don't think we ever need to talk about it ever again.

Candice left yesterday with her mum and I never have to see her again, and it's making me realize how stupid I was a few weeks ago when I thought I loved her.

I was so sad that she left me behind as a friend to be with Alex, but I'm not even hurt by it anymore.

What she said before she left is really sticking with me. I can live with out her. Just like she can live without me.

"What are you thinking about honey?" Luke asked me as he plopped down on the couch.

"Nothing. Let's just focus on us now. No more interruptions." I said smiling up at him. He smiled back at me before puckering up his lips. He sat like that waiting for me to lean in and kiss him.

I did what he wanted and pressed my lips against his, letting myself melt into him.

The butterflies are still there, so I know I made the right choice by picking to stay with him.

"Airica, there is a letter here for you." My mum shouted.

I walked out of my room towards the kitchen where her voice came from.

"Who's it from?" I asked.

"It doesn't say. It didn't come in the mailbox. It was slid under the front door, so whoever it is from must have wanted to remain secret." My mum said.

I shrugged it off and took the letter back to my room.

I sat down on my bed pulling the envelope open.

I pulled of a folded up piece of paper that was a letter that was in-fact addressed to me.


I have been trying to forget about you since that night. I may have only left yesterday, and I could have given you this letter in person but I couldn't bare to face you again after everything I did to you. I know we will never be the same as we were before, but I want you to remember all the good times we had before things got weird between us. Deep down in my heart you will always be my best friend. No more, no less. Tell Luke to treat you right okay? Just because I can't have you doesn't mean I don't want to see you happy with him. The heart wants what it wants, right? No hard feelings. Goodbye Airica. I wish you all the best.


I noticed that there was a picture of the two of us in the envelope.

I took it out and looked it over and noticed it was from nearly a year ago. Before I even thought I had feelings for, and way before our friendship fell apart and crumbled to the ground.

"You look so happy there." Luke said

"I was. That doesn't change anything. I'm still just as happy now as I was back then."

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