15.) Stake Out

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Airica's P.O.V

"Okay, now that we have food and water to last us a few hours, what else do we need to pack for the night?" Ashton asked.

"Well, if we plan on staying all night, we will need blankets to sit on or else the leaves will crunch really loud every time we move and we will get caught. That would ruin everything." I said and nodded, grabbing two blankets from my closet.

That should be plenty of ground coverage for us to move around a little bit.

"Okay, anything else?" Ashton asked

"Make sure your phones are on silent. Not vibrate or sound. Once again, that shit will get us caught. Also, we need to figure out a plan for if someone spots us." I said and Calum nodded.

"I already thought of that. If Candice catches us, we should pretend to be like having like a secret meeting about Luke instead of watching her. If Luke catches us, One of us needs to pretend to cry so that he will think something is wrong and that is why we are hiding out here." Calum said.

"Good enough for me. Okay, I guess we are all set. We can leave here in about twenty minutes." I said.

I ran into the bathroom and checked myself in the mirror, and I wasn't completely sure if this was the best way to go about the situation, but it is what needs to be done.

Luke won't tell me shit, and I can't exactly ask Candice.

So this is the only option I really have.

And if we get caught, shit is gonna be really bad if Calum's plan doesn't work. It's a simple plan that could fall apart very easily so lets hope it works if it comes to that.

I hope it doesn't.

I walked back out to my room to see the boys sitting there just waiting for me to give the signal for us to leave and find our spot near Candice's house.

"Okay, Alex should be gone by now, and if not we will just stagger of the path and walk back later. I know my way around those woods better than I should." I said and the boys nodded their heads and grabbed all the stuff we got prepared.

We climbed out my bedroom window after making sure the coast was clear. No Luke, or Michael anywhere to be seen or heard.

We ran away from my house and into the cover of the trees so that we wouldn't be seen is Luke did come out.

We walked quietly down the path until we got close to Candice's house, once we could see it well enough that we would be able to find out if anything is going on, we found a patch of bushes and trees that we could hide in perfectly.

"There is no way we will get caught in here." Ash whispered. Cal and I nodded in agreement and spread the blankets out and sat down.

I cracked open a bottle of water just in time, as I put it to my lips, I saw Luke slowly walking down the path towards Candice's house.

I heard her back door swing open and smack the side of the house.

"Just on time Lucas." She said.

"That's not my name. But let's get this out of the way as quick as possible so that no one catches us and tells Airica or Alex." Luke said and Candice nodded.

"What is so important that I had to come out here?" Luke asked,

Before I could even think about what they were meeting for, Candice threw herself onto Luke and smashed her lips into his.

I could see Luke struggling to push her off without hurting her, because if he left physical evidence Alex would see it and come after him.

"What the fuck!" Luke shouted as he finally got her off of him.

"Don't act like it wasn't amazing. I could do everything to you that AIrica does, and it would be ten times better than her. And if you even try and tell her about what I am doing to you tonight, I will slit your throat. Got it?" Candice said, as she unbuttoned Luke jeans and started pushing them down his legs.

"What exactly are you doing?" Luke asked her in a very angry voice, still trying to push away from her.

"You see, if I make you feel guilty enough, you'll leave Airica alone, and she will finally be mine."SHe said.

ANd that's when I finally realized the truth about her.

SHe is more obsessed with me, than I was with her, and she will literally do anything to get to me.

Even if it means cheating on her boyfriend with mine, trying to trick him into leaving me from guilt.

Oh, this bitch has another thing coming.

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