16.) Butt Dialed

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Airica's P.O.V

I can't jump out and stop this. If I do, they will know I was watching them and Luke won't trust me anymore.

At this point, I don't even care about Candice anymore.

She is literally doing the worst thing ever right now. Forcefully making someone else's boyfriend cheat on them.

I took out my phone and double checked that it was on silent before pulling up my camera and taking pictures of what Candice was doing.

I started to video tape everything so that I have more proof then just pictures, because of obvious reasons. Photo shop.

She had opened Luke's pants and tried to shove her hand down them, but Luke was trying his best to fight her off. However, he can't leave physical evidence on her, or Alex will find out and probably kill him.

Cal and Ashton look beyond shocked at what's going on.

And trust me, I am too.

"Candice, are you seriously going to make me do this?" Luke asked her, shoving her hands away from him again.

"Shut up. I'm not making you do anything. You are enjoying all of this. You are going to love every single thing I do to you." Candice said, sounding like a complete psychopath. Pushing her hand down his pants again.

Oh the things I wanna do to her right now. I wanna cut all of her limbs off for touching my boyfriend like that. Cut her arms off and beat her to death with them.

"No Candice. I will not enjoy any of it. What you're doing right now is disgusting and it needs to stop. I love Airica. And she loves me. Not you, me. If you stop now I won't tell Airica anything. If you keep going, I will expose you to her and Alex." Luke snapped and shoved her away again.

Candice backs up and just stares at him.

"You wouldn't dare." She said to him.

"Oh yes, I really would." Luke said buckling his belt up and turning to walk away, but Candice grabbed his shoulder spinning him around smashing her lips onto his one last time.

"Good luck babe. They'll never believe you." She said turning and running away and back into her house.

I quietly turned my phone off and stuck it back in my pocket. I looked over to where Luke had been standing and he wasn't there anymore.

I felt a tap on the shoulder and thought it was Calum or Ashton. I turned around and saw Luke's face with a smile on it.

"Spying on me?" He asked quietly.

"Not you, her." I said and he nodded.

"I saw your phone. That's how I knew you were here. Plus Michael told me you would be." He said and I shook my head.

"Michael didn't know we were gonna be here, but nice try." I said jokingly as I stood up cause there was no point in hiding anymore.

"Yes he did. Ashton butt dialed him while we were sitting in my room. We heard you discussing what you needed for tonight's stake out of Candice's house." Luke said and I turned my head towards Ash and he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Sorry mate. But you should be glad we were here. You can prove what happened to Alex." Ashton said and Luke nodded.

"Yeah I could, but if I do that he might kill her." Luke said.

He's right. He might kill her. However, he deserves to know the truth.

But is it really my place to tell him?

Especially since I'm the ones she's trying to leave him for?

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