2.) It's Not Right

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Airica's P.O.V

I walked back to my house, thinking about what Candice's face looked like when he pulled her hair.

My heart is full of pain, and sympathy for her. It will be every time I think about that happening to her now.

If Alex treats her like that, why hasn't she left him yet? Why didn't she tell anybody that could help her get out of that situation.

I can't just sit back and watch the one I love get hurt like that.

It's not right.

When I wake up tomorrow, I'm gonna text her and tell her to come over tomorrow night after Alex leaves, so we can talk. I hope she agrees to coming and isn't to scared to go behind his back.

I got back to my house and climbed in the window, closing it quietly before changing into a tank top and a pair of shorts before climbing into my bed, and staring at the ceiling.

"She's so sweet. How did she end up with someone like him?" I asked myself, out loud.

I rolled over and switched my lamp off, before pulling the blanket over me and closing my eyes.


I woke up to the smell of bacon going through my house

I sat up and rubbed my eyes before looking at my clock to see what time it is. 10:12. That is really good for me. I usually sleep until noon or later.

I throw my hair up into a bun quickly before walking out of my room and into the kitchen to see my mum cooking, and my dad sitting at the table drinking coffee and reading the paper.

"Morning guys." I said, sitting down across from my dad at the table.

"Morning honey." My mum said. My dad just looked up at me and smiled.

"Do you want eggs ad bacon?" My mum asked. I nodded and smiled at her.

"Dad, do you work today?" I asked him.

"Yes I do. I should actually be leaving now, or I will be late." He said. He kissed mum and I on the cheek before rushing out the front door.

I took my phone out and sent a message to Candice, telling her that we need to have a serious talk and that she should meet me in the woods, at our place after Alex leaves.

I have no clue what I am even gonna say to her later. I have all day to think, but how do I tell her I saw it? What if she catches on to me sneaking to her house and catching her?

I hope good enough liar to stay away from that problem.

"Mum, what would your advice be for talking to a friend who is in a bad relationship?" I asked her.

"That depends on how bad." She said

"Well, Candice is being abused by her boyfriend and she won't tell anyone about it. I don't know what to say to her, but I wanna help." I said, as my mum placed my breakfast in front of me.

"Just talk to her and find out if she is to scared tell anyone, or leave him. If she needs a place to hide from the guy, tell her that our guest room is always open for her." She said.

"Okay. I texted her and told her to meet up with me later so we can talk. I'll let her know about the room to. Thanks mum."

A/n- Sorry, I had this chapter ready so I updated it right away!!! Not that you would be complaining anyway...

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