4.) Forget It

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Airica's P.OV

I didn't get a wink of sleep last night.

All I could think about every time I closed my eyes, is that the girl who I love, picked her asshole boyfriend over her best friend.

I can't believe she chose him.

"Airica? Honey I made breakfast if you want any." I heard my mum say from outside my bedroom door.

"No. I'm fine." I said, covering my face with a pillow, knowing she would walk in here to talk to me anyway.

"Airica, if she didn't choose friendship over a shitty relationship, she isn't worth it. I had an old friend who did that to me, and a few weeks down the line she tried to come crawling back. You know what I did?" My mum said.

"What?" I asked.

"I told her I wouldn't make the same mistake again. And she knew exactly what I was talking about." My mum said.

"You don't understand my situation as much as you think you do." I whispered.

Luckily she didn't hear me.

I look at my phone before deciding to send a text to Luke. I asked him if I could come talk to him.

I doubt I'll tell him that I'm in love with Candice, but I might tell him what happened last night. He saw me crying, he knows it wasn't nothing like I told him.

I decide to put my bikini on since he has a pool, and that's probably what we will do.

Just like old times.

"Hey Luke." I said as I walked out the back door, he is already in the pool with one of hi friends.

"Hey Airica. You know Michael right?" Luke asked me. I nodded, since the three of us all went to school together.

"Yeah. Hi Mikey." I said.

I had hoped it was only gonna be me and Luke, but I guess this is as good as I'm gonna get.

I pulled my tank top off over my head and jumped into the water, not even caring about my hair or make up, its already a mess from last night.

"So, you said you wanted to talk to me. What's up?" Like asked me from the edge of the pool, dipping his legs in the water.

"Well, I went to meet Candice last night to talk to her about something really important, and the outcome that happened, was not what I was looking for." I said.

"Well what's the problem?" Mickey asked me, from behind Luke.

"Well Candice has a boyfriend, Alex. And I saw him hurt her, physically. I asked her what she's lets him do that, and she said she deserves it." I explained.

"No girl deserves that, no matter what that do." Mikey said.

"Exactly my point. So I told her I wasn't gonna sit back and watch her get hurt like that, so I said chose him or me." I said, all the images from last night coming back.

"She chose him, didn't she." Luke asked.

I nodded my head, and it fell silent. You could hear us all breathing, that's how quiet it got.

"So you were crying because she chose him, but why? That's her own mistake for giving up an amazing friend for an asshole like him." Mikey said.

"I wasn't crying because of that. I was crying because I'm in lo-" I stopped my self there.

"Forget it." I said jumping up out of the pool and running out of his yard and back into my room.

I slid my back down the door.

All I could think was:

Airica, you idiot, you almost told them your secret.

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