5.) Just Tell Her

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Airica's P.O.V

I'm back to the stay in my room and cry stage.

I haven't talked to anyone in days, not even my mum.

I think she's giving up on me anyway. Why you ask? Because of something she said to me yesterday that really hurt me.

You are covered in those ridiculous tattoos and act like a badass, but you can't even deal with losing a stupid friend

How could she even say that to me? She knows how close Candice and I have been for years. She knows I'm really sensitive when it comes to stuff like this. And she's just tossing it all aside and thinks I should be over it by now? Sorry mum that's not how this works.

Luke texted me earlier, he said he's alone this time so I can really talk to him, like old times. I haven't answered him yet, but maybe if I tell him what's wrong he can help.

But then again, he might judge me for being 'gay' and just laugh in my face and start calling me a faggot.

I'm so terrified that everyone will hate me if anyone finds out.

Why can't it just be simple?

Maybe if I just see Candice again, I can get over this and tell Luke? Who knows but it's worth a shot.

I look at the clock and see it's late enough for me to sneak over there without being seen by her dick of a boyfriend Alex.

I slid a pair of vans on quickly before climbing out of my window and look around me before darting into the woods and running down the path way.

I got to her house and walked around the back, to her bedroom window. I stood on the rock outside of it and looked in.

She was in her bathroom, nearly naked, getting ready for bed.

The first thing I noticed on her was her tattoos. One of them matches one of mine. We got them with out our parents knowing when we were seventeen from a friend of Alex's. Except she wasn't seeing him at that point. He was friends with both of us.

Then he "fell" for her and now shit just went bad for everybody.

She turned the lights out and climbed into bed, and I could see that she didn't seem bothered by the fact that we aren't friends anymore at all. She just carried on with her life like I was nothing to her.

"Well, this is definitely worth an explanation." I heard Luke's voice from behind me.

"Fuck. Luke what are you doing here?" I asked him in a whisper so Candice wouldn't hear.

"Come back to my house and talk to me. You're more bothered then I thought you were." Luke said grabbing my arm and dragging me away from the window.

When we arrived in his back yard he sat down with me on the little swing bench thingy. I don't remember what it's called.

He just stared at me for a moment, before he pulled me into a hug.

"It's gonna be okay Airica. You'll find a friend that will help you get over her." He said.

"I can't get over her Luke." I said, pushing him off of me slightly. He pulled away and looked menus the eyes.

"Why can't you?" He asked me

"I think I'm in love with her Luke. Like real love." I confessed and he looked at me with a sad look.

"Oh I see." He said.

"Let me guess you want me to take my faggot ass out of your sight right? I'm on it." I said as I stood up and went to walk away. Tears in my eyes threatening to fall at the thought of losing all my friends because of this.

"Airica no. I'm not gonna do that. Its natural. I can't judge you on who you love. It's how you're born." Luke said.

Tears fell from my eyes, and I couldn't control them.

I just sat and cried in front of somebody for the first time in days. I actually showed how I was feeling to somebody o feel like I can trust.

"C'mere." He said, holding his arms wide open.

I moved back towards him and hugged him tightly, as if I would drop him and he'd shatter if I loosened my grip.

"I'm not going anywhere. You'll always have a friend in me. I promise. But the only way this situation has a chance at getting better is if you tell her how you feel." Luke said.

"I can't. Alex will kill me." I whispered.

"He won't touch you. I'll make sure he doesn't if if its the last thing I ever do. I'll go with you to tell her, tomorrow night. But for now, just get some sleep." Luke said kissing the top of my head and holding me closer.

"Right here?" I asked him.

"Right here."

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