12.) Never Again

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Airica's P.O.V

"I'm going to talk to Candice tomorrow Lukey." I said as we were laying in bed, while we were watching some stupid movie that Luke picked out. It was supposed to be scary but it's so stupid, it's actually worth watching.

"Why?" He asked me

"Think about it. We were in the shower together when she snuck into your bedroom. The bathroom is attached to your bedroom. She had to have heard me talking to you, and squealing like a little school girl. She knew I was here and she still chose to tell you everything. I wanna know why." I stated, and Luke just nodded his head.

Well, it makes sense. There is no way in hell she didn't hear me. I wasn't exactly trying to be quiet, considering I thought we were alone in the house until she called for Luke through the bathroom door. She had to know I was here.

"Why wait until tomorrow? Alex is away right now, do it while you have the chance." Luke said, and I shook my head at him.

"I wanna spend time with you tonight Lukey." I said and he sighed sitting up.

"Look Airica, It's not that I don't trust you when you say you were falling for me, but I will not be able to stop thinking about all this until I know you choose me. I don't want to be an option for you anymore. I wanna be the only one who get's your attention. I just want you to talk to her and get it out of the way." Luke said. I nodded my head, because I understood what he was saying.

"Okay. I'll go over there now. Are you gonna tag along and wait like you did last time, or should I just come back here when I'm done and tell yo all about it?" I asked, and he stood up from the bed.

"I'm coming with." He said, sliding on a pair of shoes before we both went out the window because it was right there, and like I said before, doors are to damn heavy.

We walked through the woods until Candice's house came into view with the lights all still on, so I knew she was awake, and she couldn't avoid the conversation.

"I'll be on the same log as last time." Luke said kissing my forehead before walking back down the path a bit and going behind a tree and sitting down on the stump in front of it.

I walked towards Candice's house, and before I was all the way to the door she swung it open while she was lighting a cigarette with a match. She looked at me as she did so, and there was no expression on her face.

"I knew it was only a matter of time before you showed up." She said, sitting down on the steps. I walked towards her and stopped when I was standing directly infront of her, looking down.

"Why did you tell that to Luke when you knew I was in the house." I asked her, and she looked up at me.

"I wasn't sure if it was you at first, but I know your voice to well. I tried to convince myself you weren't fucking around with Luke in the shower only a few days after you told me you loved me." She said, taking a drag and blowing the smoke back out.

"I never expected you to come and tell my boyfriend that after everything you said to me when you found out. You didn't let me down easy. You could have just said you didn't feel the same and you never would, but instead you lied to me and said you were uncomfortable around me when you have the exact same feelings." I said, and she looked up at me.

"He's your boyfriend now? Are you just using the poor kid, because you and I both know that's not right." Candice said taking another hit of her cigarette.

"At first, I was. He offered to help me figure out if I was really a lesbian, and if I really loved you. So we started dating and when I kissed him it felt so special. I knew from the first time our lips met I was gonna fall for him." I confessed and she smiled and shook her head.

"If only that's how it always worked." She said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her.

"I only used Alex to get my feelings for you to go away cause I thought there was no chance in hell you would ever like me back, and I slowly fell for him, but my feelings for him never got as intense as my feelings for you. I should have told you before I lost my chance to Luke." She confessed. I just shook my head and turned around to walk away.

"Candice, maybe if you wouldn't have hurt me so bad, I wouldn't have to end our friendship completely, but you're gonna have to lose those feelings for me, because Luke is all I want now. You had your shot, and you missed it. I'm sorry. But I never wanna see you again." I said before I started walking away from her.

She was still sitting out front of her house when Luke stood up and grabbed ahold of my hand and we walked out of the woods nd back to his house together.

We climbed in his window and sat on his bed, staring at each other. My face was blank, but he had a smile.

"What?" I asked him.

"You really do love me, don't you?" He asked me.

"More then I ever thought I would." I said, before he leaned in and our lips met.

"Let's go to bed now. I wanna cuddle you all night long." Luke said before taking his shirt off over his head and stripping down to just his boxers.

I stood up and stripped down to my bra and panties to before climbing under the covers and having his body pressed to mine. I could hear the quiet sound of his breathing as he reached over to turn off the lamp, and wrap his arm back around my bare stomach.

His breathing slowed as he began to drift off to sleep, and I could feel my eyes getting heavy, but I didn't want to sleep just yet.

"Luke?" I said.

"Hmm." He mumbled.

"Does this mean we are official to everybody now?" I asked.

"Mhm."He mumbled again.

"Good. I want the world to know who I love."

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