3.) He's No Good For You

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Airica's P.O.V

Candice agreed to meeting up with me after Alex leaves for work tonight.

She told me she misses me a lot and can't wait to catch up on things. Little does she know that I'm already caught up in what has happened in her life.

I already know I'll never have her, but that doesn't mean I don't still love and care for her. I do. I will always care for her as if she is mine to hold.

Sure, it'll be hard at times, but right now all I am worried about is getting her away from him.

I looked at the clock and saw that I was almost time, so I slid a pair of vans on before leaving.

My mom knew I was going over there, so I didn't need to use the window this time.

"Hey there neighbor." Luke said, making me jump.

"Hemmings! Don't fucking do that." I snapped at him, turning around to look at him.

"Where are you headed so late?" He asked me.

"None of your business. I have to go or I'll be late." I said before running towards the woods, leaving him standing there with no clue.

I ran down the path, and I followed it until I came to the log that crosses the river, I slowly walked across and jumped down on the other side.

I walked down the river bank for a less then twenty feet, until I can to the little island in the middle of it.

That is our spot.

Whenever Candice, or I would have troubles that we needed to talk about, we would new here in the middle of the night. We haven't done it in a while, but I still remember exactly how to get here.

I sat down and took my shoes off, sticking my feet in the water.

I waited for about ten minutes until I heard her footsteps coming towards me. I could see the light from her phone screen guiding her way.

"Hey Airica." She said, jumping down to the island with me.

"Hi Candice." I said.

I waited for her to sit down and stick her feet in the water with me. We always sit like this when we talk.

"So what's up?" Candice asked me, breaking out silence.

"Okay. I have a very serious topic that we need to talk about. So please listen to what I have to say before cutting me off or anything. Okay?" I said. She nodded her head.

"I'm all ears." She said.

"Okay. Well last night, I was walking to your house because my parents were arguing and I was gonna ask to crash at your house for the night, but I stopped because I saw you and Alex arguing." I said. I had to lie about why I was out here, but she won't find out so it's okay.

"How much of it did you see?" She asked me, her voice sounding very nervous.

"All of it. I watched him pull your hair until you were both in the house." I said.

"Shit. You didn't tell anyone, did you?" Candice asked me.

"Only my mum. I wouldn't have but I needed advice on how to approach the situation. We wanna help you. If you need to get away my house is always open for you. You know that." I said. She shook her head at me.

"I don't need to get away from him. He only does it when I deserve it." Candice said.

"I don't care what you did, no girl should ever. Be treated like that by her boyfriend, or husband. If he does that, he doesn't deserve you. He's no good for you." I explained to her.

"Thanks for your concern, but Alex and I are fine." Candice said. I shook my head at her, but stayed quiet for a moment.

I stared at her, and I could see in her eyes, she was ashamed of him. I think she is just to scared to say she's leaving him.

Who knows what he would, or how he would react.

He seems very controlling, and it looked like he thinks he's her master, not boyfriend.

"Candice, I miss you. The real you. You were always so happy. We used to hang out everyday. What happened to that?" I asked her.

"Alex told me I'm not allowed to see you anymore." She confessed.

"Why the hell would he say that? He used to hangout with us both all the time." I said.

"He thinks that me and you are to close. He told me, that he uh..He thinks you like me more then a friend." Candice said.

I just stared at her.

Is it seriously that obvious?

C'mon Airica, don't give yourself away. She'll hate you!

"And you believe him?" I asked her, kind of angry.

"Well yeah. I do." She said, looking down at the water. She moved her feet around, as a distraction.

I pulled my feet out of the water and picked up my shoes before standing up and jumping back onto the land across the river.

"Where are you going?" She asked me.

"I'm so done with you." I said, just loud enough for her to hear.

"Airica, wait!" She shouted.

"No Candice. I am not gonna sit here and watch you get brainwashed by that asshole. I will not watch you get your life ruined. I will not watch you get abused, and be terrified. So I am gonna make you choose right now. Him or me?" I snapped at her.

"You can't make me choose between my boyfriend and my bestfriend." Candice said.

"I can and I will. Now pick." I said.

We stared at each other, and silence fell between us.

The silence made her choice pretty clear.

She chose him, an that broke my wary into a billion pieces.

"Fuck you." I said as tears fell from my eyes, before going across the log and running down the path, words my house.

"Airica! Please!" I could hear Candice shutting after me, but I'm not going back. I can't.

I ran until I got to the entrance to the woods and I fell to the ground an started sobbing uncontrollably.

I'm to the point of hyperventilating and I can't see through my tears anymore.

"Airica? What happened are you okay?" I heard Luke say from in front of me.

"Nothing. Just leave me the fuck alone." I snapped, standing up and running to my house and slamming the door shut once I was inside.

I dropped to the floor and cried into my knees, until I saw my mum sitting in front of me.

"Is she okay?" My mum asked.

"Yeah she's great. She chose to stay with him, and lose her best friend."

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