9.) Fuck You Michael

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Airica's P.O.V

"So who is the girl who made you think you were a lesbian in the first place." Mikey asked me. Oh god. Here we go. I have to tell the story again, and that's gonna make all the progress I made just crumble to the ground. Fuck my life. Fuck you Michael.

"You know Candice? Right?" I asked and he nodded.

"Well it's her. We were bestfriends since I can remember and then all of a sudden something happened in my brain that made me fall for her." I explained. Mikey just nodded his head at me.

"Now it makes sense why you were so worried about talking to us about her and Alex. Does she know that you love her, or whatever?" Mikey asked.

"Yeah, Luke and I went over there the day before me and him started dating. He waited outside for me while I went to her house and confessed everything. She told me to leave because I made her uncomfortable. So, that's how far that got." I said.

Mikey just frowned slightly at me and put his arm over my shoulders and pulled me into an awkward side hug. I just chuckled at him, even though all I felt like doing was pushing him off me and running away crying.

"I'm sure she will realize her ego got to big and she lost the most amazing friend in the world. Can I let you in on a little secret?" Mikey asked me. I nodded my head and pulled away from him so he could see my face.

"When I first met our friend Ashton, I thought he was like the sexiest person alive. I honestly thought I was gonna turn gay for him. But I didn't, and I never told anyone that except for you two." Mikey said. Luke started laughing and I just smiled at him.

Whether Mikey is telling the truth, or if he is just saying that to try and make me feel better, it's working. Maybe I never really loved Candice? Maybe it was just a phase that I was having. They say girl usually experiment in college. Maybe my body just decided to do it earlier then usual. I don't know.

It must be that. There is no way I am a lesbian, because I think I actually really like Luke. And I might want to make this whole dating thing official with the lovey dovey stuff.

That is if he want's to do that. I don't know if he feels the same or if he just likes us kissing and screwing every now and then.

That's something I will have to talk with Mikey about if I can get him alone at some point. Maybe we can set up a scheme to get Luke to have the truth come out. That would be really cool to know. Cause, I don't wanna get to attached to him just so he can leave me heartbroken in the end.

Then again, he said he'd never hurt me. So that means he can't break my heart, because that would be hurting me. Right?

"Hello? Earth to Airica?" Luke said.

"Fuck sorry. I was thinking." I said.

"It's fine. I was just gonna ask if you wanted to go home and get another set of clothes. You can stay at my house tonight if you want to. My parents aren't gonna be back tonight. They are at a wedding reception in Melbourne." Luke said. I nodded and stood up.

"I'll go do that now, I'll be back in a few." I said before jogging over to my house and climbing in my bedroom window, just because it was open and I was to lazy to use the door. It's heavy okay.

I grabbed a swim suit and another set of clothing. I'm gonna assume I am gonna need a shower if we go swimming because the chlorine will make my hair and skin all nasty feeling. So, I grabbed my shampoo and conditioner and threw it all on my bed.

I grabbed my tooth brush and my make up out of the bathroom and put that with my stuff on the bed. I looked around for a bag to put all my stuff in. Once I found one I packed all my stuff up and went back out the window and over to Luke's house.

"Where's Mike at?" I asked him.

"His mum called him screaming because he left a pizza in the bathroom. I don't fucking know why, but he had to go clean it all up. He said he would see us tomorrow." Luke said. I just shook my head and laughed. If anyone would have pizza in the bathroom, it is definitely going to be Michael.

Luke took my bag from me and we went into his room. He threw it on the ground and flopped on the bed, grabbing me by my waist and taking me down with him.

"Really Hemmings?" I asked him after we finished laughing.

"Yes really. Now what do you want to do?" Luke asked me.

"I'd say let's go swimming, but I forgot my suit and I don't feel like running back to my house to get one." I said, that's a lie, I just wanna see what he will say to that.

"Why do you need one? It's dark out now. No one would see us." Luke said, with a smirk on his face. I matched the smirk, because I knew exactly where this was going.

"Strip down Hemmings. Last one in the pool, get to shower last you know what that means. Ice cold water."

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