8.) Nirvana

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Airica's P.O.V

"So, when exactly do we tell our friends about this?" Luke asked me. I shrugged my shoulders.

I sat up in his bed, tied my hair up and put his shirt on over my naked body, before finding my underwear and puting them on.

I walked over to the iPhone speaker and turned Ijt off, since we don't need to cover the noises of sex anymore.

His parents aren't home, but it's a precaution. Just in case they come home early.

This is the fourth time Luke and I have slept together, and I'm still a little confused.

I like Luke, more then I used to, but I still have feelings for Candice.

Hopefully since I developed feelings for Luke, it means I'll get over Candice soon.

I have no clue...

"Michael is gonna start suspecting soon. Ashton and Calum won't really notice, but Michael will walk in my room and say he smells the sex. Then he's obviously gonna wonder who I'm sleeping with." Luke explained.

"So, if we do tell him, what would we tell him anyway?" I asked.

"Just tell him we are friends with benifits." Luke said.

"Absolutely not. That makes me sound like a slut. I am not a slut, Luke." I snapped.

"Okay fine, lie and tell him we are dating. I don't know what else we could do." Luke suggested.

It's liring, which is bad. I just don't wanna sound like a slut.

Plus is Candice found out about that, she would hate me more then she already does.

God, sometimes I wonder why I agreed to this stupid idea.

Then I remember how fun it is.

"Okay. Whatever floats your boat." I agreed, and started looking around for my shorts, and of course I cant find them.

"Luke, can I borrow a pair of sweatpants? I cant find my shorts. " I said.

He nodded and stood up in just his boxers and walked over to his dresser and got a pair of joggers out for me to wear.

"What if your mom sees me like this?" I asked, since i am literally dressed in all his clothes.

"You used to borrow my clothes all the time." He said, that's true.

It was always because we went swimming at night, in our clothes because I didn't have a suit at his house. So I'd just jump in, in my t-shirt and my shorts or whatever I had on.

Even jeans, and they suck when they get soaked.

"Michael is coming over. Just a heads up. We don't need to tell him now, but soon we will have to." Luke stated. I just nodded.

Okay, so how am I gonna play this?

What the fuck am I gonna say?

We went outside to wait for Michael to get here, since he only lives a few blocks away I'm sure he's walking.

I think I'm just gonna tell him today.

It'll be easier, and that way it'll be out of the way and off of my shoulders.

"Hey Mikey. What's up? Luke asked, I didn't even realize he was here until Luke spoke.

"Nothing. What's up Airica? You look cute in Luke's clothes." Mikey commented

"Thanks." I said quietly.

"Why so quiet? Do you still have a lot on your mind?" He asked me.

"Yeah, but it's different now. Like, I though I was a lesbian, but now I started dating Luke so, I'm kinda confused." I exokained, just casually sliding it into conversation.

"Well have you guys kissed or anything, like you know. Have you done that yet?" He asked.

"Yeah, and it's amazing. I just can't get her out of my head." I said.

"The cool thing about it, is she lets me listen to Nirvana when we do it." Luke said, proudly.

"Oh god.." I whispered and hid my face.

"Thats adorable."

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