14.) Suspicious

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Airica's P.O.V

He says it's not important.

He days they were just talking about me.

But for some reason, I can't take that as an answer. I wanna know more.

He says sometimes two wrongs do make a right. And I guess he is right, but what Candice is doing won't turn out right in the end.

She is just playing all if us. She lied to me, she's lying to Alex, and I think she lied to Luke.

According to him, she said she would leave us alone. If that were the truth, she wouldn't have even bothered to show up here the other night.

Her actions are very suspicious.

I wanna know what she is up too.

And there is only one way to find out.

I need to go back to square one.

I need to go back to her house tonight and watch what she does.

But I can't do it alone, and so can't take Luke with me. I need someone else, who will keep it a secret.

Mickey and him are too close. I trust Michael, but Iuf they get drunk together anytime soon, he will slip up.

Ashton and Calum are both close to Luke, but I know I can trust either of them with this.

I will just have to ask them, and see which one of them is really up to the challenge.

I pull out my phone and send a group text to the two of them, asking them to meet me at the park down the street in an hour.

I put on black skinny jeans, a black tanktop, and a leather jacket.

Looking very stealth for tonight's mission.

I grab a pony tail holder and pull my hair up and grab my phone, slipping out the window.

I walked down the street and saw that the boys were sitting on the swings waiting for me.

"What is this about? Is everything okay?" Ashton asked me.

"I need one or both of you to do something. But it is a secret it stay between the three of us. Mickey and Luke are not to know." I said.

Calum and Ashton looked at each other with a strange face. But they nodded and looked back at me.

"Good. I don't trust what Candice and Luke talked about. I wanna see what is going on." I said.

"If we knew we would tell you, but Luke didn't give us any information either." Ashton said.

"I know that. That, is why I am planning a stake out. And I need you too help me." I said, and they looked at eachother again, but nodded in agreement.

"What do you need us to do?" Calum asked me.

"I need at least one of you to come with me, or both of you if you feel up to it." I said, and they nodded.

"Luke has been acting strange lately. I wanna see what him and Candice really talk about when no one is around to hear." Calum said. I nodded my head and smiled at them.

"Okay, let's go back to my house and plan on how we are going to do this. Alex leaves for work at ten thirty tonight." I said devilishly.

"Let the games begin."

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