New Home

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Tsireya who had a loving smile came up to us "Would you like me to help?" she said with a smile. "Yes, yes of course" Jake said smiling back. Loak was still looking at her like he was in love which you think he is. Y/n and her family took all the stuff of the ikrans while telling them to go into the forest where they found a cave to keep them in. They all followed Tsireya who was leading them to their new home. "Yeah, this is nice" your father said as he tried to reassure his family. Netiri just sighed and you looked sad while looking around. Kiri puts a hand on your shoulder and you put your hand on hers while giving a slight smile. Tuk also came to hug you as she saw your face. You gave a big smile as you could not bring yourself to not think Tuk wasn't cute.

You and your siblings went out for a little to see what your new home is like "This place is beautiful I'll admit" You walked around on the beach with your siblings. Not long after you all went back and as you got close to your pod your father called all of you guys for a family meeting. Y/n and her siblings walked in and sat in front of her parents as Jake started to speak "Okay everyone I know this might be hard for everyone but this is our new home. Learn their ways fast. And don't make any trouble" your father stared right at Loak knowing Loak was the most trouble maker out of all of you. Your mother said "What does your father always say?" Everyone says "Sully's stick together". "Come on, put a little more enthusiasm into it,'' your father said while looking at all of you. "Sully's stick together" Everyone said while looking at each other . Kiri was over it and rolled her eyes while mother held her arm.

You and your siblings went out to explore the new place that was gonna be your home. Tsireya and Aonung along with his friend Rotxo, were now outside your family's pod. Aonung wanted to leave but Tsireya made him stay "Wanna swim with us?" Taireya said sweetly. "Sure" You answered back. Tsireya, Aonung, and Rotxo dove into the water gracefully unlike your 4 siblings looking like monkeys. You also got in but carefully. You and Tuk swam where Neteyam and Loak were while Kiri went to explore the ocean herself. The others were too fast for you and your siblings. Neteyam had signaled us to the surface and we took a big breath as we had held our breath for as long as we could.

Three other heads popped up "Are you guys okay?" Tsireya had worries in her eyes as she looked at us but then stared at Loak for sometime "You guys are too fast, wait for us!" Tuk said, rubbing her eyes. "You are not good divers. Maybe good at swinging through trees-" Aonung stopped from Tsireya hitting the back of his head. Y/n giggled and he looked at you with an awe smile. Neteyam saw it and looked a little protective of his twin sister.

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