You're Going To Be okay

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"Skxawng...I'm shot" everyone looked over and saw blood spilling into the water. "Y/n!" Loak shouted. You were shot and started bleeding "It's okay. It was just in the arm and leg" You hissed from the pain but held strong "Now help me. It hurts like hell" As Neteyam and Loak tired to help you stay above water and spider stayed there worried. Tsireya and Aonung came along on their ilus "Guys she's shot. Here help her up" Aonung eyes widen and fear and lift you up onto his ilu "Its okay Aonung it was just the arm and leg" You said as he held you "Still you got shot. We need to get her to the village" Aonung stated. Everyone agreed and left. Neteyam hanging onto Aonungs ilu and Loak riding on Tsireya's ilu while Spider hanging onto it "Tsireya looked back and saw the human boy "Whose he" Tsireya asked as Spider looked at her "A friend. He's a friend don't worry" She nodded and kept going. As they were trying to get to the village they saw Jake and Neytiri on the way "Dad! Mom!" Loak called out. Jake and Neytiri came close. They soon saw the sight of their daughter bleeding "What happened!" Jake asks frantically "She got shot" Neytiri came over and saw the wounded "My sweet Y/n" Neytiri patted her head "Mom it hurts.." You were now losing lots of blood from the movement on the ilu. Jake came closer and gave two cloths "We have to stop the bleeding" He gave Aonung the cloths and Aonung quickly wrapped it on your arm and leg Jake was happy there kids were safe but once he looked around he only saw 3 out of 5 "Neteyam where's your sisters" He asked sternly "On the ship. They're on the ship" Jake looked down "Where on the ship." "I know where they are I'll show you" Spider said and swam over to Jake "Go, we'll take her to the village" Aonung looked to Jake and Jake nodded "Take good care of her" They then were off to the village while Jake and Neytiri went to go get Kiri and Tuk.

"Aonung it hurts" You said tears starting to come from your eyes "It's going to be okay, you're going to be okay I promise" Aonung reassured you.

They all got to the village and Aonung called for his parents "Mom! Dad!" The Metkayina heard the boy and saw him carry you. Soon enough Ronal and Tonowari came along "Mom help. She got shot" They both had worried eyes "Come bring her" Everyone followed the Tsahik into her healing pod "Put her down here" Aonung puts your down and you hissed from the pain from your arm and leg "Sorry my love" Aonung strokes your head as Ronal went and grabbed healing herbs and sat down next to you. She started to heal you and take out the bullets. You were in so much pain you cried a bit "It's almost over" Aonung said.

The process was done and you were huffing trying to calm down from the pain and stinging from the ointment from Ronal "Are you okay?" Aonung said looking down at you" You nodded yes and everyone came in to see if you were okay "Y/n!" Your name was being said many times "Hi guys" You looked up seeing Tsireya, Neteyam, Loak and Rotxo "Wait, where's Mother, Father, Kiri and Tuk" You panicked "They're still out there along with Spider. 'Not gonna lie I forgot about Spider' You thought to yourself. "If only I did a better job" Neteyam blamed himself for getting you hurt "No Neteyam it's not your fault" Ronal then came in and told everyone you need rest "Aonung can stay. Also Neteyam, tell me when Dad and them come back please" Neteyam nodded and everyone left but Aonung 

"Aonung can you hold me please" Without hesitation he got close to you and held you not wanting to let go of you. There was long silence until Aonung started to apologize "Y/n I'm so sorry" Aonung looked away in guilt while you looked at him. You put your hand on his cheek making him look at you again "Why Ma'Nung?" He sighed "If only I would've held you you wouldn't have been on the demon ship. If only I didn't let you go into the ship you wouldn't have been shot" You smiled seeing how much he cared "Its okay. I'm happy I got shot then having someone else getting shot. If it was anyone else I would've never forgiven myself. I'm the second oldest after all." Aonung sighed and kissed you on the head. You smiled and pull his face in giving him a kiss "I love you Ma'Nung" You rub his cheek with your hand "I love you too Ma'Y/n" 

Y/n and Aonung were so tired. Lots happened today and it was chaos so they both slept in each other's embrace.

Aonung randomly woke up and saw Y/n still sleeping in his arms all snug. 

Aonungs POV

She is so beautiful while she sleeps. I can watch her all day if I could. I could never be any happier than right now, I just hope everything from now on goes smoothly. 

I pulled her in closer as I saw her shiver from the coldness. I rubbed her arm to give her warmth. How can I get so lucky with this girl. As I was keeping her warm her eyes started to open "Oh shit sorry. Did I wake you" I asked with a calm voice. Y/n rubbed her eyes while sitting up "No its okay" She said with a tired voice "Go back to sleep my love" I rapped my arms around her once again and kissed her temple "No I wanna go out" "Out? Where?" I was confused. "Lets go to the cave, we haven't been there for a while" The cave is where I first confessed to Y/n and it had a special place in my heart "Ma'Y/n you're still recovering. I won't be safe for you" I told her. I don't wanna hurt her more than she already is. Even though I told her it wasn't a good Idea she still insisted on going "But I want to go. You'll be there with me so I'm fine. We haven't been to that cave for a long time" I sighed and gave in "Fine let me pick you up then" I picked her up and walked out of the healing pod. 

We got to the beach and I entered the water "Tell me if anything hurts" Y/n nodded and smiled. I called for my ilu and rode off to the cave. It took longer to get there because I was going slower. I tried to be careful in the water so I didn't hurt her. "Aonung you don't have to be so cautious" I looked at Y/n "It's okay were almost there anyways" I started to speed up on my ilu and there we are. In the cave. 

Y/n's eye lit up like the way they did when we first came into this cave. I rode to the shallow part of the whirl pool and got off still holding Y/n. I carefully placed her to the edge of the whirl pool. I sat beside her and she licked her arm with mine and leaned her head on me.

This was a nice moment, I can live in this moment forever. She's so cute just leaning on my arm and holding on to it "Aonung?" Y/n repeated my name many times and snapped me back into reality "Oh sorry, yeah" Y/n had a look of worry in her eyes stroking my arm up and down "Yeah I'm fine, why?" "You were just staring at me smiling. Kinda creepy" Oh shit I didn't even know. My mouth widened as I was offended "That's not nice of you. I was just admiring your beauty my love" I closed my eyes looking all mighty. Y/n laughed at me and hit my arm "Yeah yeah whatever" 

We sat there talking for a bit until she felt tired. Y/n yawned and it was the cutest thing ever "I'm tired" Y/n told. I asked if she wanted to go back but she didn't want to ride all the way back to the village. I made a soft bed like a resting place where we could sleep. I picked her up once again and gently placed her down with my arms around her "Does anything hurt?" Y/n shook her head and we laid there falling asleep in each other's embrace.  


I will edit later on so don't mind if there's any mistakes 

Also thank you for 3K reads!! This story might not be the best but thank you so much for the support. Also thank you for  your patience.

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