Family Pt.3

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"Mama Äo it being mean!" Zuä yelled "What? No I wasn't" Äo yelled back. Näeyne rolled her eyes "Be nice to each other please" You sighed. It has been a couple years and all your kids have grown. Äo being 17, Näeyne being 16 and Zuä being 10. "Kids don't give your mother a hard time" Your mate entered the pod as everyone looked at him "Sorry dad" Zuä pouted "Whatever" Äo rolled his eyes. 

"Äo can you help me carry this" You asked your son. Today was a celebration for new warriors. They have completed there training and it is now time to celebrate. Äo being one of them. You were helping with the celebration. Äo followed you and while walking through the people many greeted you. You were the soon to be Tsahik and Aonung was soon to be Olo'eyktan. It's been years so Tonowari and Ronal were ready to give the title to you both "Your so popular mom" Äo said still following you with the items you told him to carry "Well are you popular with girls? Many boys respect you too" You stated to which Äo rolled his eyes "I mean I guess" You got to the gathering place and many already started to set up the place "Ma where do I place this" Äo looked to you Just place it there sweetie" You pointed to a rock and he placed it where you had pointed as Äo was about to leave a girl called out to him "Äo!" A girl ran up to him making you look back. Äo stood there stiff not knowing what to do "I didn't know you would come here" The girl said "I was helping my mom carry things" Äo awkwardly said scratching the back of his neck. You giggled to yourself and turned back to what you were doing leaving Äo and the girl. "Y/n!" Tsireya came up to you with Loak right behind. The two were mated and had 2 kids. Behind Loak was Emi. Emi and Neteyam were also mated and had 1 kid. "Y/n you came just in time" Emi called out. Loak groaned very loudly and everyone looked at him. He then stared back "What? This is so boring"  Loak crossed his arms and you shooed him away. Everyone got to work and made the place look pretty and presentable.

Aonungs POV

I took Zuä to he grandpa and grandmas place (Jake and Neytiri) I have Olo'eyktan duties to do since I will become Olo'eyktan vary soon. I walked over to the beach where the newly declared warriors were. They all greeted me as I stood in front of them "You all did very well. And for that we have a celebration to honour you all" The warriors jumped in excitement. I looked over to my son and he just sighed. That was all I needed to say to them so I dismissed them and walked to where my mate was. 

No ones POV

Aonung entered the area and there he saw his beautiful mate. She was trying to hang something up but it was too short so Aonung came up behind her and took the banner and hung it up for her "Oh- hi Aonung" You said with a sweet voice "Hi beautiful, looked like you needed help" Aonung wrapped his arm around your waist and kissed your temple. "So why'd you come here? I thought you would be busy" You left his grasp and walked over to a box with decorations as he followed "Well not really. I just wanted to see you" Aonung smirked to which you rolled your eyes "You still the same old Aonung" You laughed. 

Aonung stayed and helped you with some stuff. You both set up decorations and grilled/made food while your kids were doing whatever. "This is so boring" Aonung groaned "You know you can leave" You started looking at him "I know but your here" Aonung smiled "Okay and?" You continued to grill meat and vegetables "Well I want to be with my beautiful mate and I'll have nothing else to do'' Aonung sat there watching you cook. Aonung scooted over behind you and pulled you into his embrace. He wrapped his arms around your torso and rested his chin on your shoulder. You giggled at the gesture and continued to cook."You can tell everyone that its starting" You said trying to get him to do something so he doesn't feel bored "Emi and Tsireya are already doing it" Aonung continued to nuzzle into your neck starting to plant kisses. "Aonung" Aonung continued and pulled you in closer "Aonung it's almost time. People will arrive soon" You tried to get up but didn't go so well "So? How dare they interrupt the soon to be Olo'eyktan. Just 2 more weeks and I am the new Olo'eyktan and you the new tsahik" You sighed and slouched into him "Sorry sorry there" Aonung finally released you.

Many started to show up and got settled. You walked closer and heard a yell "Mama! Dad!" Zuä ran up to you and hugged your legs "Ey what about me" Aonung looked at her and she side eyed him. Zuä tried to walk away but Aonung picked her up "Wow so you don't like your dad. You cheeky little na'vi" Aonung started tickling her and Zuä burst into laughter "Dad stop!" You smiled at the sense "Mom" You turned around meeting Näeyne "Hi sweetheart" You hugged Näeyne "What's wrong?" You questioned your daughter "Nothing, I just saw you and dad so" "Where's your cousins?" You were looking around for children of your Loak and Neteyam "I don't know, too people here" You stroked Näeyne's head "Well let's go see" Zuä managed to get out of Aonungs grasp and ran away. Aonung then got swarmed with males and females. You didn't want to get into that so left with Näeyne. Aonung looked at you in betrayal. You mouthed 'Sorry' while laughing.

You and Näeyne were on the hunt for your brothers and their mates until you spotted them. Before you could go over Tonowari spoke "Thank you friends and family for coming. We are celebrating the newly declared warriors. Please enjoy your time while the night is still young" Everyone cheered. Music was played as everyone danced while some ate and drank. Your daughter slipped away and went over to her cousins.

"Y/n let's dance" Tsireya, Emi, Loak and Neteyam came to you before you could get to them. Tsireya pulled you to where everyone danced. You, Tsireya and Emi danced together as the 2 boys watched. Soon Aonung came beside the 2 two joining in on watching. "Feels like the old days," Aonung said. Neteyam and Loak agreed, making them feel like they're in their teenage years. Aonung then came up to the girls and grabbed you, pulling you away from the girls "Dance with me love" You smiled brightly and cupped his face while he wrapped his arms around you.

As soon as you and Aonung started dancing your kids spotted you. Zuä ran up to you both "Dad get away!" She pushed Aonung. You and Aonung were shocked "As soon as it felt like we were in our teenage years damn it" Aonung mumbled against his breath Zuä hugged you again and Näeyne didn't really care. Äo stood there disgusted "What guys it's normal. Were mated." Aonung stated. "Go find your friends" Aonung was kinda sick he didn't get that much alone time with you. Zuä was always stuck to you like glue. Näeyne and Äo were more independent. Äo was still a mama's boy and Näeyne is just like Kiri when she was a teenager. Speaking of Kiri, she and Roxto were spotted sitting down. They are a mated couple but has no kids yet. Kiri and Roxto don't want kids. At least no yet. You thought it would be time they tried but they still didn't want one.

1 hour later

You and Aonung ate and got away from your kids. Aonung wanted alone time with you so he took you to the beach. It was dark and the sky was black making the stars shine brightly  Aonung sat down with you in his lap just like when you were grilling food "This is nice" Aonung closed his eyes and swayed with you in his arms. "It is. Nice to be away from those rascals but there our kids" Aonung hummed. He grabbed your face with one hand and kissed you. You smiled against the kiss and put an arm around his neck. Deepening the kiss. Aonung pulled you in closer as if your weren't already close. You pulled away smiling at him with Aonung doing the same.

It's been a couple minutes of you and Aonung staring at the water and the sky until 3 kids came along "Mama!" Little Zuä yelled running to you. She plopped into your lap and the two older kids sat beside you and Aonung. I guess you really can't be alone when you have a family. It was dark. Everyone has left and only the people who were cleaning up stayed. The family stayed on the beach for a little while enjoying each other's company. Playing together, talking to one another. It was a family that protected each other. They spent this time together and laughed into the night.



Thanks to those who gave my book a chance and for reading through that whole thing 

I love you all very much <3 


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