A Night Stroll

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While everyone stayed in the hut sleeping, you decided to go out and walk by the shore and as your walking you found seashells that were beautiful. Aonung then spotted her and walked up to Y/n. Y/n was down as she was looking at the shells while Aonung towered over her. Y/n saw a shadow and looked at them, seeing Aonung smiling "Hey there forest girl" while smiling at Y/n. "Well hello there fish lips, do you need something?" You say with a loving smile. Aonung couldn't help but get this big grin on his face while looking everywhere but you. "Oh nothing I just wanted to know why you were here alone". "Well I just wanted time to myself and wanted to take a walk. How about you? Why are you here?" you're still looking at the seashell in your hand while standing up facing him. "Well I guess I could say the same. I just wanted to go out for a walk".

They both sit down on the sand while looking out into the water. Aonung turned his head and looked at you. He was stung by your beauty, having dark blue skin, long black hair and golden eyes. You notice he was staring at you "Why are you staring?" looking right at Aonung. "You just look different. In a good way" Y/n blushed at Aonungs comment and turned her head away.


Aonung was very nice and seemed sweet. He is so handsome under the moonlight. I always have this thing with my heart when I'm around him, he just makes me feel things I've never felt before.

Aonung POV

Y/n she's so beautiful right now. I can't help but stare at her. I don't know why I'm thinking like this I've never thought like this before. I hate it but love it at the same time.

No ones POV

Y/n and Aonung both then started to lay down and look up at the starry sky that was all black and laid there for a while. Y/n was talking about her home and how much she missed it "The forest is so beautiful..I really miss it. It was my home.." "Now that I think about it, why did you and your family leave your home? Why'd you come to the Metkayina clan? The ocean." Aonung turned his head and looked you in the eyes as he wanted to know why. "It was the sky people." you said with a sad face "They attacked our home because of the war my parents were having with them. But its not our fault" you chocked on your words and started to tear up at how sad you were that you had to leave your home because of them. Aonung looked at you and did not like the look you had on your face. He hated seeing you sad. "We were just protecting our home and our people. I wish we just lived in peace. I hate the sky people" Y/n started to cry, tears running down her face. Aonung had a painful look on his face and he took your hand in his "Its okay, your safe now. Im sure you will go back and visit at least". Y/n turned to a smiling Aonung as she also started to smile "Thank you Aonung. I hope I get to go back.

After some time talking to each other you both went back to your family's pods and parted ways. Everyone was sleeping as you snuck in trying not to make a sound but Loak was still awake, waiting for you. "Hi Y/n where were you?" Loak had a dirty smirk while looking at you. "GOSH LOAK! You scared me. I was just on the beach..." "Are sure you weren't with that boy Aonung." Y/n had a deep sigh. "Fine and what if I was. What about you and Tsireya huh?" Y/n also had a dirty smirk and Loaks face had gone red "Nothing why do you need to know.." "Oh come on. I'm your older sister you can tell me anything Loak" Y/n came up to Loak and patted him on the back "Come on, go to sleep. We don't wanna get father mad." They walked carefully and went to bed.

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