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1 Month Later


Tomorrow is Aonungs birthday. I was making him a new loin cloth, a shirt and an armband. Some sky people stuff. My dad has some shirts so I was making one for Aonung. I think it will look good on him. The arm band is made from materials from the forest. I can't wait to give them to him.

As I was making Aonungs shirt I sat by the beach. The warm breeze and the warm sand hitting my skin. I was enjoying the scene and while I wasn't paying attention someone popped out from behind me "Boo!" I jumped up getting scared. I looked back and I saw Aonung "What are you making there" He tried to look over me "Nothing!" I said quickly standing up and whipped my hands behind myself with the gift I was making "What are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be doing Olo'eyktan duties?" I smiled at him backing up slowly "Yes I was but Father wanted to take a break. So I came to you" He stepped closer "Wait!" He stopped and I ran back to my pod and put away the shirt I was making. I came back out seeing Aonung with a confused face "Okay lets go" I ran you him wrapping my arms around his left arm "Are you excited for your birthday" I asked with him looking down at me "Ehh, It's not so important" My eyes widen "What do you mean not important?! It's when you turn into an actual adult Aonung. I would be scared. Yes we do have responsibilities but everyone will think more about us once we turn 18. Plus we're mated" Aonung nodded and agreed. We both kept talking to each other until it was time for Aonung to go back to do his duties.

I waved bye as he did the same. His birthday was tomorrow so I have to quickly finish the shirt.

Next Day

(Aonungs Birthday)

I made him a new loin cloth, a shirt and an armband. Some sky people stuff. My dad has some so I made one for Aonung. I think it will look good on him. The arm band is made from materials from the forest. I can't wait to give them to him

Today was Aonung's birthday. Everyone was setting up early and I woke up due to the loud noises. You got up and Made breakfast for everyone. Soon everyone started to wake up "Sells nice in here" Jake said sitting next to you "Yeah, I woke up before anyone so I decided to make breakfast" You and your dad talked until Neytiri came along with your siblings. You all were eating breakfast together "Y/n this taste amazing" Your Mother said "Thank you mom" You continued eating. "So" You looked over to Lo'ak "What'd you make for your mate huh" You rolled your eyes at him "Well I made him a loin cloth, a shirt and a arm band" Lo'ak smirked "Oh stop it. What's wrong with you" You laughed. Everyone was having a good time talking and eating together.


It was now later into the day and you walked on the beach with Tsireya. You both have gotten really close since you and Aonung are mated "When does the party start" You asked smirking as Tsireya laughed "Soon. In about 2-3 hours" You smiled at her "Well I can't wait, he's turning 18" "Yeah, I cant believe he's already 18 and mated before he turned 18" You and Tsireya talked on the beach for so long it's already been 2 hours but as you were talking to Tsireya someone asked to seal you away.

Someone tapped on Tsireyas shoulder and we both looked back "May I steal Y/n from you" It was Aonung. Tsireya still walked to talk to you but she eventually left "But Aonung I was talking with her" Tsireya pouted "Sorry sis, my turn" Tsireya groaned standing up and left. Aonung sat beside you and put his arm around you "Hello Ma'Y/n" "Hello Aonung, do you need something?" You asked smiling. Aonung looked at you "What, I am not allowed to talk to my mate?" Aonung raised a brow "I never said that it's just you busy right?" You leaned your head on his shoulder "Yes I was but my father let me off so I came to you" Aonung kissed you on the head "Well sorry but its only an hour until the party. I need to get ready" Aonung had a straight face looking at you "Really." He said with a blank stare. You laughed at him and got up but got pulled back down "You can't leave. Not yet!" Aonung held you while kissing you all over your face "Aonung stop it" You giggled trying to get away from him "Seriously Aonung I need to get ready" You laughed as he let go "Fine go get ready then" He crossed his arms pouting "Oh come on Aonung it's only an hour" "Yeah yeah whatever" You Chuckled as you left a sad Aonung but he can handle it.

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