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Today everyone was taking a break from the lessons and went to explore the place Loak went to Tsireya of course while Y/n, Neteyam, Tuk were at the beach playing together. "Come on guys, your so slow! We need to make sand castles" Tuk started running towards the beach to make sand castles with Y/n and Neteyam. "Okay okay were coming Tuk wait up" Neteyam yelled to Tuk so she was able to hear him.

————-Time Skip

Kiri was looking at the sand and how beautiful it was with its waves. Kiri thinks everything about nature is beautiful but some people thought she was being weird. "What is she looking at?" "The sand idiot" Aonungs friends were coming to Kiri as they made that comment. "What? What did you say?" Kiri said cluelessly as she looked confused. "Are you some sort of freak?" Aonung said while gesturing his hand at Kiri. Aonungs ugly friend spoke up "He said are you a freak" while having a grin on his face. "Leave me alone" Kiri said as she walked away but they all followed her trying to touch Kiri because of her human features.

From a far Y/n and Neteyam saw what was happening and also saw Loak coming up to Aonung "Back off fish lips." Loak said as he was pushing Aonung away from Kiri. Y/n and Neteyam went over as you both saw Loak and Kiri getting bullied by Aonung and his friends. Aonung saw you and looked right back down in guilt. Y/n had a disappointed face


"Why Aonung..." I couldn't believe him. Why did you do such a thing. We got along so well last night. Why is he hurting my family...

Aonung POV

Shit why does she have to come over here? I saw her disappointed face and I couldn't face her so I looked down. I couldn't give her an answer to why I did this.

No ones POV

"Back off. Now." Neteyem look at Aonung in the eyes "Aw big brother coming throu-" Aonungs friend was cut off from Aonung putting his arm up to stop him. Aonung put up his hands showing that he was surrendering. "From now on you will respect my family." Neteyam hated when others hurt his family. Kiri stuck out her tongue as Y/n and her siblings walked away but Loak went back. Neteyam sigh "Loak." "Don't worry bro I got this" Loak reassured his older brother then turned to Aonung. "You see this it has another finger, weird, alien but you wanna know something cool?" Y/n giggled at how Aonung was looking really carefully at Loaks hand as he was very interested "If I ball it up like this" right after Loak said that he punched Aonung 3 times in the face as Aonung fell back "it's called a punch bitch" Aonung got back up and tackled Loak to the ground. It was a 4 vs 1 so Neteyam joined in. The reef boys and forest boys started to fight as Kiri just stood there laughing at them. Y/n felt rage as she saw her brothers fight and Aonung bullying her sister. "ENOUGH" Y/n yelled with rage in her eyes, everyone froze while looking at her. Y/n came to grab her 2 brothers by the ear and whispered "I'm disappointed in you.." looking right into Aonungs eyes. Aonung couldn't say anything so he just looked down. He didn't know why her feelings mattered to him, she was just different from others.

You took her 2 idiot brothers to their family hut. Jake saw them and asked what happened. "These 2 idiots fought with the chief's son and his friends" you all can see how mad Jake but Y/n left the hut not wanting to hear it even though she felt like Neteyam and Loak didn't deserve the lecture. "Listen it was all my fault-" Neteyam was cut off "No you will not take the blame for him" Jake was really mad at this point but Loak spoke up "Dad but they were calling Kiri a freak" Jake had soften his eyes as he had a big sigh "Go apologize." "But da-" Loak and Netayam were a little mad that Jake wanted them to apologize even tho Aonung was the one bulling them. "I don't care, just go make peace with the chiefs son". They both walked out and Loak was trying to find Aonung.


As I walked out of our family hut I felt sad from Aonung hurting my family and from Neteyam and Loak getting scolded for defending their sister. I was looking down until I bump into someone "Sorry I didn't mean t-" I looked up and saw Aonung. I felt rage creeping up and I walked away. "Y/n wait!" Aonung tried to catch up to me but I yelled at him "Go away Aonung! I don't want to talk to you." "But wait just let me talk" I was still walking away and picked up the paste a little and jumped into the water. Aonung was about to jump in too but his father called his name, he turned back feeling angry not at Y/n but at himself.

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