She's Mine

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It was now time that Raeymon wanted to talk to you so you went out to where he wanted to meet you. It was at a deck that no one really went to. You walked up and saw him sitting at the edge and taped on the shoulder while sitting next to him

"Hey so, what did you wanna talk about?" You already knew what it was but decided to act like you knew nothing. He grabbed your hands as you looked from the hands to his face "Y/n I really like you, ever since I saw come to our land I couldn't get my eyes of you" You tilted your head at him "Raeymon you already know I'm with Aonung and I love him" Raeymon grunted in frustration "I love you but as a friend, I have no romantic feelings for you Raeymon" You let go of his hands as he looked up at you. Raeymon was now ranting on how he loves you and how he loves the time you both spent together.

It has now be awhile since you've been out so Aonung came looking for you. He went to where the location you told him you would be at. He saw Raeymon confessing his feelings towards you and felt angry and frustration burning up in him. Suddenly Raeymon pulled you in for a kiss. You tried to back away once again but couldn't as he was to strong for you. Aonung couldn't just watch and see you struggle getting out so he lunged forward and tackled Raeymon off of you "Aonung!" You shouted as you saw Aonung pouncing on Raeymon punching him "Never touch her again!" You got to Aonung and pulled him away "Aonung come on that's enough, you'll get in trouble. I think you will anyways but come on" Aonung listened to you and stood up wanting to cool off. He put his arm around you waist with you up against his chest "She's mine" Aonung looked down at Raeymon. He then pulled you in for a kiss and you gladly accepted it while Raeymon was looking up at you and got up running away. You then pulled away looking up at Aonung with him looking down at you. You smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek as he pulled you in for a hug "Sorry Aonung" You apologized "Why are you saying sorry?" He questioned with a raised eye brow "because he kissed me" "Yeah he kissed you. You didn't kiss him. Plus I saw the whole thing, now come on I'll walk you home" He pulled out of the hug and grabbed your hand leading you to your pod. You got to your pod and looked at Aonung now holding both of his hands "Thank you for walking me home" "Of course, I'll see you tomorrow morning" he leaned forward and gave you a kiss as you did the same "Ew" You and Aonung looked towards the entrance of the pod and it was Loak standing there looking like he was waiting for you. You rolled your eyes and said goodbye to Aonung. Loak was whispering to you about Aonung not wanting to get yelled at for waking everyone "Oh my goodness Loak stop it. I'm tired please" Loak moved away from you so you could rest, he couldn't sleep so he just laid down thinking to himself while you slept peacefully.

Morning came and the light beamed on your face waking you up. You groaned trying to cover your face for the sunlight "WAKE UP" Loak yelled peaking his head into your room. You groaned even louder. You didn't know why you were so tired but you were, everyone was just so tiring and it all came at once. Spending hours flying here, getting used to the new home, learning their ways everyday. You needed some time away from the lessons and rest.


"Gosh I'm so tired" I said as I walked out of my room. I ate breakfast and left to go to the beach. When I got there I sat down leaning on a rock. I couldn't hold myself up, I had to have something for support. My siblings soon came and joined me, chatting to each other. "You know we've never talked about the new home. How are you guys feeling?" I asked all of my siblings "It's been okay, some of the people are nice but some not. I still do miss home, I wish we could go back" Neteyam said as every looked at him "I want to go home. We don't belong here and we know it. It's beautiful here I will admit but the forest is our home, our birth place. It's so beautiful too" Kiri expressed herself to us and so did Tuk "I love it here!" She smiled and started ranting about the place. "Okay okay Tuk we get it" Loak put his hands on Tuk's shoulder "I still feel the same. I want to go back to the forest but it wouldn't hurt to be here for a little" I rolled my eyes knowing why he wants to stay here "We get it Loak. You and Tsireya" Everyone laughs while Loak gets embarrassed. "What about me?" Everyone looked up and saw Tsireya, Aonung and Rotxo "Nothing. Absolutely nothing" Loak stood up fast and started to walk away with Tsireya behind him and questioning him at the same time. "Lets go for a swim" Kiri said breaking the silence. Everyone agreed but I was too tired to even get up "I'll stay guys. I'll just watch you" They all nodded but sad you didn't want to swim with them "I'll stay too then" Aonung looked down at you and sat beside you. Everyone else was now in the water playing. "You look tired, why don't you take a nap?" Aonung said looking into my eyes "Maybe I will" I sighed and closed my eyes. Aonung was still looking at me and he took my head gently moving my body to where I could then lean on him then the rock. I blushed at his action but sunk into him closing my eyes and slowly fell asleep.

No ones POV

It felt like it was goning to rain so Aonung woke you up as it was about to rain. Your siblings, Tsireya and Rotxo went to a cave to take cover from the rain. "Y/n wake up, Its gonna rain" Aonung shook you and you woke up and groaned "I don't wanna though. I want to stay with you Ma'Aonung" Aonung blushed and picked your up bridal style and walked to a big tree to take shelter. As he was walking you closed your eyes still feeling drowsy. It was now raining so Aonung hovered over you leaning forward so you didn't get wet from the rain. You both got under the tree and Aonung sat down setting you on his lap still in bridal style but sitting. He strokes your head and kisses your forehead "Ma'Y/n" You opened your eyes looking at Aonung with a big smile. You moved more into his chest and laid there listening to the rain until Aonung spoke "The Tulkun are coming tomorrow". You once again opened your eyes staring up at him"Oh really? It will be fun" you smiled and took Aonungs hand "I'll introduce you to my spirit brother" He said excitedly. You nods in response and looked at him in awe "We should head back, I don't want you getting sick" Aonung picked you up once more while you agreed "I'll take you home" Aonung started to walk to your pod and as soon as you arrived he sets you down and gives you a passionate kiss pulling you in by the waist "See you tomorrow morning" Aonung waved while walking back to his pod as you did the same walking into yours.

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