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It has been 2 months. Your birthday has already passed and it is now a week after your birthday. You and Aonung were excited but scared at the same time. You both were proud and if the people disagreed but You are mated.

Y/n Birthday

It was your birthday and it was just going to be a normal one unlike Aonungs birthday. You woke up from Tuk pouncing on you to wake up "Wake up Y/n! Wake up, it's your birthday" You woke up to Tuk shacking you awake and groaned "Okay Tuk i'm up now" you got up and walked out of your room "Happy birthday Y/n" Everyone said as you rubbed your eye "Hi guys" everyone was saying how Aonung was coming to pick you up soon so you got all dressed up.



You looked at yourself and thought "Good enough" you came out of your room again and waited for Aonung.

Couple minutes later Aonung announced his presence "Hello?" You shot up and ran towards the entrance "Hi" you poked your head out and walked towards him "So your taking my somewhere I assume?" Aonung took your hand and walked away from the pod. Now you're immediately  getting taken away especially on your birthday was weird. Jake and Neytiri never made plans for you like saying Aonungs coming but how did they know? You snapped back and Aonung had told you that your going to learn how to hunt "Aonung I already know how to hunt" Aonung turned and smiled at you "You don't know how to hunt here" You shrugged your shoulders and thought it would be fun.

He led you to another part of the shore and handed you a net "Here is where we catch most food. We use this net to catch everything" Aonung showed you how to throw the net and how to pull it back in. It took you a couple tries but you got the hang of it "See I knew you could do it. Only because you have such a great teacher" Aonung said smirking "Oh shut it" You giggled to yourself. You both caught lots of food and went around the village handing them some "Hello we came you give you some fish" You handed them a arm full of fish and they gladly accepted it especially since the Olo'eyktans son was there. We got to everyone's pod and we left the rest at the fish area where people had put the fish once it was caught. It was now in the middle of the day and you decided to go back to your pod. Aonung tried to stop you but you questioned him "Aonung why are you so" Aonung stopped you before you could finish the sentence. You ignored his behavior and grabbed his hand leading him to your pod. Aonung had a pained face but you thought he was over reacting.

You walked into the pod but got pushed out "Guys I'm ba-" You got cut off by Loak pushing you out "Hiiii Y/n your back already" Loak looked to Aonung angrily. Loak went back inside and got Tuk "Y/n lets go play!" Tuk hurriedly grabbed your hand and ran over to the beach "Tuk wait!"


Why was everyone acting so weird. Also they all said happy birthday to me but that's it? Wait I might know what's going on. Oh my it is so obvious they're planning something. I should ruin it. Tuk was dragging me along so I dragged Aonung too. He is going to suffer with me. I will admit I love playing with Tuk but it can sometimes...get too much and a little boring so Tuk. Tuk made sand castles and we had to help her. Aonung was so done with this and wanted to leave. He tried to once but Tuk caught it "Aonung where are you going we're not done" Tuk whined "Yeah Aonung where are you going" I said and started to do the same as Tuk. He groaned and face palmed "Fine" He gave up and continued to help.

2 hours later

I took a deep sigh and laid on the sand with my arms and legs spread. I was so tired I forgot about what my family was doing. I was so done I didn't care and went back to the pod. When I got there Aonung and Tuk had run up to me "Y/n wait!" I turned around and faced them. I raised a brow and they simply entered the pod. I sighed and went in after them

You're The One {Aonung x Y/n}Where stories live. Discover now