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2 years later


I was walking on the beach with my mate, Aonung. We held hands in hand swinging them back and forth. I have gained a lot of weight ever since our mating was said "I can't wait!" Aonung said looking at you "I know you can't Aonung, just a little longer" You moved your other hand up and rested it on your belly. "I wonder if it will be a girl or a boy" Aonung put his other on top of yours and smiled at you brightly. I was 6 months pregnant and my belly was getting bigger and bigger by the day. We walked until we bumped into my 2 brothers "Hi guys" I waved while walking towards them "What are you guys doing?" I asked. Neteyam pointed with his head further behind the water and there were 2 girls Emi and Tsireya "Loak wanted a race and you know why" Neteyam rolled his eyes "Oooohhh I get it. Well I'll watch from afar" I backed away and went over to the girls with Aonung following behind me "Hi girls" They both greeted me. I'm so happy Neteyam and Loak found a partner. I guess they're both trying to impress the girls.

Loak and Neteyam finally got on their ilu's and rode off. Loak was speeding in front of Neteyam until Neteyam flew past Loak. Neteyam beat Loak which made Loak embarrassed. Loak grunted in anger and embarrassment. They got out of the water and walked over to us. I was sitting on the ground feeling tired with Aonung right beside me stroking my belly while I leaned on him. He hasn't said anything in a while which worries me "Shut up bro. Who cares you won" Loak pouted grabbing my attention "Told you I'd win" Loak pushed Neteyam and Neteyam just laughed it off. As soon as they came to us Loak slouched with Tsireya comforting him "It's just a little race guys it's not a big deal" I said pointing out the obvious. Loak complained and walked off with Tsireya "You both are kids. I can't with you both. Tuk is even more mature" Neteyam's jaw dropped while Emi laughed at what I had just said. I told them I was exhausted and wanted to go home. They didn't questioned anything since I was pregnant. Neteyam and Emi both walked off together as I slowly stood up with the help of Aonung.

I was walking slowly like a turtle "Sorry Aonung" I apologized "Don't say sorry love. Here" Aonung suddenly picked me up bridal style and walked back to the pod "Aonung aren't I too heavy?" I didn't want to strain Aonung because if I do he wont be able to do anything else for me later. Sorry. "No never, are you crazy" He smiled. I cuddled into him as he kissed my head. I wanted to talk to Aonung if he was okay. It wasn't normal for him to be silent especially for more then 5 minutes.

No ones POV

You both got back to your pod and Aonung rested you on the mini bed with pillows and blankets so it doesn't hurt you "Aonung?" You looked to him as he himself got comfortable beside you "Yes love?" "Are you okay? You've been quiet for over 7 mins. That's crazy" Aonung laughed and held you against his body "Yes I'm okay just thinking you know about the baby" You understood him but why was he worrying about it so much? "Yeah I know. It can be overwhelming knowing your going to be a dad but everything will be okay Ma'Nung" Aonung smiled and had reassurance from you "Thank you but what if I'm not a good dad, what if they hate me" You gasped and sat up looking at Aonung "Why would you think that!" You raised your voice. You knew Aonung was going to be an amazing dad and never doubted him. You couldn't imagine baring anyone else's children other than his "You will be a great dad Aonung. You are the most beautiful, amazing person I've ever met. Our children will love you and will be glad to have you as there dad" Aonung sighed and tried to think the same way you did. He still had is worries but trusted you "Thank you my love" You smiled and kissed Aonung on the lips slowly dropping into his embrace. You pulled away making Aonung confused "We still have to pick a name for our baby" You said trying to wrap your arms around Aonung trying not to hurt the baby.

You're The One {Aonung x Y/n}Where stories live. Discover now