Aonung Time

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You wake up from a loud yell from no other than Loak "Ugh bro STOP IT" It wasn't hateful but playful. You got up and walked out "What are you guys doing now? '' Neteyam was teasing Loak about Tsireya "Oh my please guys" You rub your eyes still feeling very tired. Last night you could barely sleep, you were too excited to sleep. You couldn't stop thinking about Anoung and how he was yours. As you were trying to stop Neteyam from teasing Aonung showed up at your pod but no one realized "Neteyam stop it" You put your hands on your hips "What, so? You like Aonung too" Your eyes widen and a small blushed appeared on your face "See I knew it!" Everyone was just ignoring him at this point. Neytiri and Jake did take it seriously until Aonung said "What if we're already together?" All of you look to Aonung standing by the entrance "HUH" Loak shouted with a shocked face but before they started to ask questions you ran over to Aonung and pulled him to the beach "woah woah, slow down" You finally stopped and looked to Aonung "What are you doing" "Oh come on, they're going to know at some point" He put his hands on your waist and pulled you close, you looked away as he almost had his face close to yours. He started giving you little kisses on your temple, cheek and jaw line. He sighed can cupped your face "We can't keep it a secret forever you know" You sigh in agreement with Aonung "I know I'm just scared you know, because I'm not a reef person" Aonung moved close to you and sets his forehead against yours "That doesn't matter, we love each other and that's all that matters." You nod and give him a hug as he pulls you in close "Mhm your right, sorry" you both stayed like that for a bit until Loak jumped out and scared you both "RAH!" Aonung and y/n both jumped and pulled away. "LOAK!" Y/n got mad but Aonung just laughed "Ay, you're lucky it was only me" Y/n rolled her eyes at her younger brother "Whatever, oh Aonung. Why'd you come to our pod?" Aonung turned to you "Oh I wanna take you somewhere" Loak just stood there with his hands on his hips as Aonung took your hand and led you "Have fun but not too much fun!" "Oh shut up Loak!" You rolled your eyes and Aonung chuckled "It's not funny." He was still leading you but It felt so long, before you knew it both were on the other side of the island "Aonung are we there yet" You began to slouch while walking, still holding Aonungs hand "Almost there, just a little more".

It wasn't too long before you saw lights with a blanket and pillows on the floor with food, you gasped at how pretty and sweet it was for Aonung to make this for you "Oh Aonung, It's so pretty" He smiled at you in awe, he loved seeing you happy. Y/n sat down making herself comfortable on the blanket "Come on stop standing there" Y/n giggled as Aonung sat down beside her. You were still tired but hungry so you dove right in and started eating as Aonung just watched you "Here, eat" You held food up to Aonungs face and gladly ate from your hands. Y/n was done eating and leaned on Aonung for support as he was on the pillows. They cuddled into each other and talked about small things.

While you were talking Aonung was staring into your eyes moving down to your body and soon saw a big scar on your leg, then you arm but as he looked more there's scars everywhere. How did he not notice this he thought to himself "You have lots of scars" He suddenly said catching your attention "Oh yeah..I could tell you about them" He just nodded wanting to know how and what hurt you to cause all the scaring. "This big one on my leg with when I first got my ikran. You know, when you know which ikran is yours it will start trying to kill you" Aonung had a shocked face "Wait really?" "Mhm and a lot of my other scars are from the sky people. Oh oh but this one is from Loak. He slapped me with a sharp leaf and it cut me" You were talking about your siblings and how troublesome and annoying they can be. Aonung just listened, he could listen to you talk for hours and not get tired. You both then share more stories about each others siblings. When little time came by, Y/n fell asleep in Aonungs arms. He was still talking to her not knowing shes asleep, she wasn't responding so he looked down and saw you asleep "Oh she's asleep" He moves your hair out of your face and holds your hands, rubbing little circles with his. "Sleep well" He kissed your head and fell asleep with you.

Two hours went by and Y/n woke up, she turned and saw she was still in Aonungs arms. She didn't want to bother him so she just snuggled into him. A few minutes went by and Aonung started to wake up, Y/n was still snuggled into Aonung and looked up at him while he's waking up "Hello there" He said while looking at her with tired eyes "How long have you been awake for" She got closer to him feeling cold from the breeze "Not long, only a couple minutes." He stared at her and kissed your head "Well we still got a whole day ahead of us" She wrap her arms around his torso "Just a little bit more please" Y/n looked up at him with her head on Aonungs chest. He could resist those eyes she had on "Fine fine, only for a couple more mins. I have to go hunting with my father, you're welcome to come if you'd like" Y/n sighed "Mmm, no it's okay. I wanna hangout with my siblings even though Loak will be with Tsireya" Aonung laughed "Yeah, true" You both stayed there for a bit but soon got up and went back to the village. "Bye bye Aonung" "Bye I'll see you later?" You smiled and nodded in response.

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