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You were sitting under a tree with your head in your hands "Is Aonung playing with me...he hurt my family and hurt me as well"

As time passed, Aonung found Y/n "Hey" Y/n didn't look at who was speaking to her cause she already knew who it was, she didn't speak, she just sat there.

"Y/n....I'm really sorry and I mean it. I don't know what got into my head, I got mad. Please forgive me" He said as he sat down. Y/n still didn't talk so Aonung put his hand on her cheek making her head face him "Y/n please, I'm sorry" Aonung looked at Y/n softly and she had softened her eyes looking at him. "Aonung, are you just playing with my feelings.." Y/n started to tear up as she was feeling hurt "Oh Y/n, never. I would never play with your feelings. These feelings are real" Aonung grabbed her hand and put it on his chest.

"I'm so sorry for hurting you and your family, please forgive me Y/n" Aonung still had his and on your cheek and you curested his hand. Y/n put her forehead against Aonungs forehead "I forgive you Aonung" Y/n gave a little smiled at Aonung and Aonung closed his eyes and smiled. Y/n really liked his smile, it was cute she thought.

Aonung's hand was still on your cheek and he kept them there by stroking her cheek. You looked down embarrassed as she blushed from his touch, Aonung took his hand off and sat there with you. "So, how's it been going?"You were still looking down "It was okay other than feeling like shit from hurting you" you giggled while covering your mouth.

Aonung was falling in love with Y/n as Y/n was falling for him.
They talked for hours and they were falling for each other more and more. "Oh I forgot dinner is almost ready" Y/n stood up and held her hand out for Aonung. Aonung was sad that their conversation was over, he wanted to talk to her more as he enjoyed talking to her

They went to the bonfire where everyone was at and where dinner was being made. "Y/n!" Y/n heard a little scream, as she looked to her right she saw Tuk running up to her, hugging her waist. "Hi Tuk, did you miss me" Y/n giggled "You know you were suppose to play with me today. It was your turn!" Y/n had totally forgotten about her playdate with her. She was too into talking with Aonung. Tuk had a pouty face on "But Loak told me to leave you alone and he played with me instead with Tsireya" Y/n looked over at Loak who was smirking at her. Y/n rolled her eyes not caring about what her brother thought. "Im sorry Tuk I'll play with you tomorrow, Okay?" "Okay" Tuk ran off to there mom. Y/n sat between Neteyam and Kiri. In the corner off Y/n's eyes she saw Aonung staring at her but notice he quickly turned away, your eyes looked beside Aonung to only see Loak and Tsireya sitting together "Welp Loak's in love" Neteyam turned to you "You noticed too?" "Of course Teyam, who wouldn't? You can obviously see them falling for each other" Neteyam sighed "Yeah you're right but what about Aonung?" Neteyam bumped your arm while smirking at you "Oh shut it" Y/n smacked him on the arm as he kept saying ow. "Could I enjoy dinner in peace please" Y/n and Neteyam looked at each other and started laughing "Yes yes Kiri sorry" Y/n was still giggling .

Aonung POV

I didn't realize I was staring at Y/n until she looked at me, gosh that was embarrassing. Tsireya passed me food "Thanks, wait what is he doing here." I saw Loak sitting next to my sister "Oh he just wanted to sit here" Tsireya said looking innocent "Fine." I can't believe my own sister is falling for a forest na'vi. Wait. Aren't I falling for a forest Na'vi too? I looked over the Y/n to hear her laughing. Her laugh is so cute, it made me happy that she was happy. I want to make her laugh like that.

No one's POV

It was getting really dark so everyone went back to their hut but before that Aonung came up to Y/n "Would you actually like to learn how to ride an Ilu? It could be dangerous since you know..." "Yeah yeah I know that my ilu riding isn't good but yes I would love too for real now" Y/n had a small laugh as Aonung did too "See you tomorrow morning then?" "Yes, see you tomorrow" Y/n left with a big smile, Aonung also had a big smile. He was happy that he made Y/n smile. He was falling more in love with Y/n.

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