You hurt me..

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Raeymon tried to follow you but you stopped him "Not now Raeymon." You said and looked straight into his eyes with an angry look. You continued to pull Aonung as he tired to stop you but you didn't listen "Y/n wait, hold on" You both got to a quiet place where no one was "So talk" You stood in front of him with your hands on your hips wanting to know why he wasn't talking to you, why he was with another girl, why he pushed you away. "I'm sorry Y/n I truly am. I never meant to hurt you" He grabbed both of your hands in his and looked you in the eyes. "Aonung, I just want to know why. Don't hide things from me" "My mom told me to stay away from you. Since I am going to be Olo'eyktan she wanted me with a Metkayina girl but she finally has given us a chance to prove that we can happen. I love you, I will stay by you.." He moved one of his hands to your cheek as you put yours on top of his "You could've just told me Nung. You hurt me, you pushed me to the ground, talked to another girl getting really close to her" "I know I shouldn't have, I'm so stupid and the girl. My mother wanted me to talk to her. I had no choice, I have no interest in her I promise you, I only have eyes from you and you only" He had a face full of guilt "I wish you would've told me. None of this would have happened" You let go of his hands putting his hand down and sighed deeply "Please Y/n, I promise you I'll never hurt you again. It pains me seeing you hurt especially by me, I will never forgive myself for that. I just want you to give me one more chance"


I started thinking to myself not knowing what to do 'I mean I guess he couldn't really do anything about it. His mother is Tsahik and I know what it feels like not wanting to disappoint your family' I sighed one more time and looked back at Aonung "Okay, I'll give you another chance only because I love you" He widden his eyes as he was surprised "Your mother is tsahik and you can't really do anything about it. Also, did she really say okay to us?" I was surprised she even allowed it "Yes she did. I was shocked too because you know how my mother can be" I nodded in agreement. We stood there in silence for a couple of seconds but I hugged him really tight breaking the silence "I missed you Nung, please don't ever do that again" he hugged me back while stroking my head with his hand "Don't worry I won't and I never plan to. Ever" We stayed like this for a while closing our eyes "We should go back" I said after hugging him rocking back and forth. He nodded his head as you grabbed his hand and led him back to the village.

No ones POV

Your siblings were by the beach with Tsireya, Raeymom and Rotxo. You and Aonung both walked to them hand in hand. Neteyam and Raeymon knew what happen but the others not so much. Neteyam gave you a knowing look, he knew you and Aonung made up but Raeymon was in rage. You, Aonung and Neteyam knew why but the others didn't know what happened between you and Aonung and they didn't suspect anything. Everyone was talking and distracted by each other so Raeymon came up to you whispering he wanted to talk to you later. You hesitated but you said yes not wanting to be rude "Okay guys I'm gonna go back" Everyone were saying bye as he walked off and you went up to Aonung "Raeymon said he wanted to talk to me later" Aonung looked at you with a little angry not at you but at Raeymon trying to get with you when he already knew you're with him. You grabbed his arm saying it was alright. Everyone was now having fun the water swimming and riding on ilus talking to each other. You all played tag underwater and had lots of fun. The water was beautiful today. As everyone was talking Neteyam came up to you "So you guys made up" he looked at you with a questionable look but already knowing one "Yes, he told me his mother didn't want him to speak to me. But why the change of mind so fast? You know how Ronal is, she can be a little scary sometimes" Neteyam nodded in agreement "Yeah she can be. Aonung already told me all that when he came looking for you when you were hanging out with Raeymon. He felt so bad and sad he had hurt you. I can see how much he loves you. I swear if he hurts you again" "Yes yes I get it" Loak then came up talking to you both not having talked to you in a while but soon Tuk came taking you away to go find sea shells with Kiri and Tsireya "No bro becau-" "Y/n come come, we need to find shells" Tuk pulled you away as the Four boys (Neteyam, Loak, Aonung, Rotxo) looked at the girls getting pulled by Tuk.

It was now slowly become dark and it was soon eclipse. You then remembered you had to talk with Raeymon so you excused yourself but everyone decided that it was late and went home. Aonung came up to you knowing what you were going to do "So you going to talk to Raeymon?" He looked a bit jealous and mad but he knew you were his "Yes don't worry, we're going to be at the old deck where no one really goes" he nodded and let you off. It was now time to talk to Raeymon. You sighed deeply and walked off to see him.

Aonungs POV

I let Y/n off to talk to Raeymon. Why can't he understand she's mine. I know she's pretty and beautiful, kind, sweet, okay okay im getting off track but still. I have to trust her so it's okay. I'll wait for her here.

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