I see you

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"Y/n wake up" Neteyam shook you to wake you up "What?" You looked at him confused "Someones waiting for you Y/n" "Teyam leave me alone" Neteyam signed "Aonung is waiting for you" You shot up and quickly got ready. Neteyam just laughed and left. Y/n left their family hut, she was filled with excitement and left in a rush. As she was leaving she bumped into someone "Bye gu- oh i'm sorry" Y/n looked up and saw Aonung, she had the biggest smile "You alright?"

He smiled back "Yeah I'm good. Shall we go?" "Yeah come on I have something I wanna show you" "Yeah yeah, of course!"
Aonung took your hand and took you to the beach. He called for his ilu and started to call yours "Wait don't call your ilu" He got on his ilu and held out his "Come on" You smiled and got on the ilu with Aonung. They both head over to a big cave, Aonung started to speed up and You held on for dear life. "Take a deep breath" You both dive into the water with you holding onto Aonung's waist while he holds your hand.

Y/n opened her eyes to a beautiful scenery, nothing like she's ever seen before "Oh my Aonung, it's beautiful" "Right, I found it the other day and I wanted to show it to you" Y/n was walking around in the cave spinning and twirling at the beautiful sight "But...There's another reason" She stopped and looked at Aonung "Oh, why? What's wrong Aonung?" She had soft eyes, looking at Aonung while having a look of worry. "Y/n, I like you, ever since I saw you my whole world changed. I have never felt this way towards someone before, not even when my parents tried to get me with a girl. You make me feel things Y/n." Y/n looked shocked but really happy. She jumped into Aonungs arms "I like you too Aonung, I thought you were a jerk at first but when I got to know you more...I saw you. I see you Aonung" Y/n got down and looked into his eyes showing how serious she was. "I see you Y/n" They both embrace each other before looking back at each other.

Aonung cupped one side of your cheek and rubbed his thumb on it "May-" Before Aonung got to finish you grabbed his face and pulled him close into a kiss. He was really shocked but enjoyed it very much. They both could feel each other smiling. You pulled away but Aonung lifted you up and started to give you kisses all over your face and you started laughing at his act "Aonung stop it!" Giggles were coming out of you non stop "Okay okay I get it" you tried pushing Aonung away but he was too strong. He was very happy of what just happened "Sorry I'm just really happy" He put you down and smiled at you "Im happy too Aonung" you both then laid down looking up into the cave while see plants that glows around you. Aonung wrapped his arms around you to keep you warm and to cuddle you.

They both cuddled there for a while talking about their past life and funny moments "Then Loak fell from the trees! It was so funny, It always replays in my head " "I thought forest people were good at climbing trees" Y/n rolled her eyes "Yes we are, its just loak is reckless. He wasn't looking where he was going. You know I would love for you to see the forest, it's so beautiful" Y/n moved closer to Aonung as she was getting a little cold "More beautiful than here?" Aonung questioned "Yes more beautiful then here but don't get me wrong your home is beautiful, full of wonderful things but it doesn't compare to the forest" He sighed and started to play with your hair as you started moving your fingers along his hands "You know, I wish I could take you to see the forest" "From how you expressed it, it sounds beautiful and breathtaking. I would love to see the land and place you were born in" you nodded as he kept talking to you.

————Mini Time skip

They haven't realized how long it has been until they heard there names being called by everyone "Shit how long has it been?" Y/n and Aonung stood up to leave. Aonung called for his ilu and both of them got on. "It's already the eclipse" They hurried over back to the beach. Once they got there everyone circled around "Aonung!" Tonowari yelled while walking towards the crowd. Jake and Neytiri also came along and tugged on Y/n's arms "What, what? I'm not hurt, I was ju-" Y/n got cut off by Jake scolding her "Where were you. You've been gone this whole DAY" Y/n looked down in shame "I was just with Aonung. He showed me a cave and we stayed in there" Y/n kept looking down in shame. She never liked disappointing her parents "I told you all" Neteyam came out and stood by you as you looked up at him "Oh.." Jake didn't believe Neteyam because of how long you guys were gone for. Soon enough everyone was gone. You went back to your pod with your family as Aonung went back to his, ready to be scolded.

"So...Aonung huh" Neteyam looked over to you and you smiled "Yes, what about him?" You looked over to Neteyam "Oh nothing" Loak heard you guys talking "Ooo Y/n has a boyfriend" Everyone looked at the three "Well we all knew as soon she said she was with Aonung all this time" "Just don't go mating with him got it." Jake sat next to you while Neytiri sat beside him "No dad!I'm not doing that yet" You all then talked to each other until you got tired. You all then go to bed in your rooms

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