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Y/n's POV

It's now morning and I woke up very tired. I haven't been able to sleep well ever since the Aonung situation happened. I got up from bed and got ready for today. I changed my clothes and did my hair. I also added a bracelet and a necklace I got from my friends from the forest, I missed them so much. I got done and laid on my bed thinking about lots of things, Aonung, the forest, the sky people. I wonder what today will bring. Probably another uneventful day and Aonung not talking to me. It was too much to think about. I'll just go on a swim with my ilu to get my mind off it. I walked out of my room to be greeted by Neteyam "Hi sis" "Oh hi Neteyam" I sat beside him as he was helping mom out because you and Kiri were asleep. I started to help him and mom "Wanna go on a ride with our ikrans?" I shook my head no "Its okay I want to ride on my ilu alone" He nodded in response "Okay, just letting you know I'm always here for you" I smiled and continued to help out for a bit. Everyone was now awake and eating but didn't feel like eating so I skipped breakfast and went out to the beach. I was about to enter the water until I heard someone call out my name. I looked back to see who it was and it was Raeymon running towards me "Y/n!" My feet were already in the water and I turned back "Hi Raeymon, why are you up so early?" "I could ask you the same thing." We both chuckled and he got closer standing next to me in the water "I felt like going for a ride" I went further into the water to be followed by him "I shall join you then" He smiled at me as I did the same. We both called our ilus and hopped on. We went a little far from the village and played in the water together "Come on hurry" Raeymon sped up as you tired to catch up to him.

Aonungs POV

I woke up and got out to eat breakfast. As soon as I got out my mom had something she wanted to talk about and I already knew what it was, Tìfì. "Son." She swatted her hand telling me to sit down. Tsireya was still asleep and dad was out hunting "Tìfì told me what happen" She was cooking food and didn't look at me "Yes I know mother" "I told you to no-" I sighed loudly putting my head in my hands which made her look at me "Aonung I'm doing this for you" "Yes mother but, won't you just give us a chance please. I've hurt her so much and I don't want to again." My mother sighed. I don't know why shes so calm right now. A few days ago she was yelling at me not to talk to Y/n "Okay fine" I widen my eyes at her. Really, is this really happening "Really Mom" She nodded her head as I ran out to find Y/n. I can finally have her back but wait...she's probably still mad. I still have to tell her though.

I couldn't find her anywhere so I asked some people but they didn't knew where she was so I went up to Neteyam. He had to know "Hey Neteyam" I walked right beside him but he glared at me "You alright?" I asked but that was a stupid question "Yeah I'm "alright" other than you hurting my sister" I looked down in shame but I knew I hurt her "I know and I'm sorry" "Why?" Neteyam questioned me "My mother. She wants me to be with a reef girl because you know I'm going to be the next Olo'eyktan but I just can't. I love Y/n. I never meant to hurt her, I'm going to make it up to her" Neteyam nodded "Shes with Raeymon right now" I felt a knife priced my heart hearing her with him "But I know she loves you Aonung" I nodded and left saying bye "Its okay, I won't give up. I'm going back to the beach see you later"

No ones POV

Raeymon was now chasing Y/n in the water and both smiled "You'll never get me" She signed to him. He had a smirk and started chasing you again. When Y/n wasn't looking he swam away with his ilu hiding behind a rock. Y/n swam around looking for him but Raeymon came out and taped her while she had her back facing him. Her mouth dropped and she chased after him.

After some time they go back laughing. As they got to the shore they both saw Aonung. He stood up and walked to you "Y/n can we talk please" You looked to Raeymon and he grabbed your hand "No she will not" He pulled you away but you pulled him back "What why" "Because you're not going to" You yanked your hand away from his grasp and walked to Aonung but before you do, Raeymon hugged you from behind putting his arms around your waist "What are you doing!" "Y/n please" He whispered but you tried to pull away from him, he was too strong. Aonung got furious and pushed him away from you "Whats your problem she obviously she doesn't like it" Aonung stood in front of you. Raeymon was clearly angry "Aren't you the boyfriend that made her cry. I can treat her better than you and I don't care if you're the chief's son." Aonung looked surprised Raeymon knew all of this but didn't care. They both got up close to each other fighting for you but not physically. Aonung knew he was right and admitted it to Raeymon. You had enough so you pulled Aonung away wanting to know what he finally wanted to talk about.

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