Sibling Bonding

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You gave Aonung a kiss goodbye and parted ways. You are going to see your siblings and he is going hunting with his father. You looked for your siblings and saw them at the beach, you ran over to them "Hey guys!" They all looked at you and responded. Tuk ran up to you and you picked her up putting her on your waist "Y/N!!" You had a big smile on your face "Hello Tuk, how are you?" "I'm good, Netty, Loak and Kiri were playing with me" Your other siblings came up to you "We should go for a ride" Neteyam pointed to the forest where we keep out ikrans "Oh my god yes I haven't took Ziko (Your ikran name) our for a ride is so long" You put Tuk down and all of you ran into the forest. There's a cave where all your ikrans stayed, they all were there together "Hey there buddy" You patted Ziko as he let out a cry from how much he missed you "I know I'm sorry, I've just been to caught up with this new place, this new home." Everyone was with their ikrans but Jake's and Neytiri's. You all got on and connected your queues to your ikrans but Tuk didn't have one yet so she went with Kiri. Everyone was taking it slow but you flew fast and high. You haven't flown in so many weeks which felt forever.


"This feels amazing!" I loved flying back at home. I wonder if I could take Aonung flying since he showed his land so I might as well show my world right? I can imagine how funny it will be. I giggled to myself but to only be questioned "What's so funny Y/n?" Neteyam flew beside you and raised a brow "Oh i'm just thinking about how Aonung would react if I could him flying since you know, he is always close to the ground" Neteyam nodded and was happy you found someone who made you happy.

—--------Mini Time skip

You all went back and took the ikrans to the cave and said bye. When you all got to the village you saw Aonung, you ran up to him and gave him a big hug "Woah woah, calm down" You let go before you both tumble down. All your siblings rolled their eyes but Tuk, she thought you both were cute together so she just smiled. "Well I'm gonna be going guys" you waved them goodbye and walked with Aonung "So what'd you guys do?" Aonung took your hand and intertwined it with his "Oh went on a ride" "Oh yeah the water is nice today" You looked you him and giggled "No Nung I mean on an ikran" He looked to you "Oh. Also Nung?" He questioned the sudden nickname "Yeah, is something wrong with it?" He shook his head no. He actually liked it a lot and thought it was cute "Okay my love, lets go to a pretty place" "But I'm so tired" you groaned from tiredness and slouched while still walking with Aonung "Its okay, I promise you'll love it" You nodded in response and walked with him to the beach. He calls an ilu and gets on "Come on, get on" He held a hand out to you and you gladly took it. Aonung road to where you've never been before, it was a bit far away from the village but close "Are we there yet" Aonung chuckled "Oh come one not this again. We're almost there okay" You laid the side of your face on his back just waiting for them to arrive. "Take a deep breath, we're going under" You both did the same. They entered a pathway that was glowing in the dark giving you both light. You smiled as you hugged Aonung from behind as he sped up to get to the place he wanted to show you. You guys raised from the water and your looking around taking in the caves beauty, it was glowing with lots of colour with fish that light up underneath you both "See I told you you'd like it" He smirked and smiled at you in awe as you guys got of the ilu now sitting at the edge of the small pool. He took your hand and kissed your temple, you were swishing your feet in the water while Aonung embraced you. You leaned on him as he put his around you putting his hand on your thigh while his other is still holding your hand. "Nung this place, it's beautiful" You're still so amazed and laid your head on Aonungs shoulder "Yeah I know, so you should thank me" He raised his chest trying to look proud and mighty as you laughed at him "Yes yes thank you Aonung" You both laughed. Aonung looked at you as you were trying to control your laughter. You saw Aonung staring at you deeply "What?" You questioned him "I don't know what i'd do without you. It's like ewya brought us together which I think she did" He let you settle into him as he put the side of his cheek on the side of your head "I'm also happy I met you. I've never felt this way about someone but I guess you're just different" Aonung kissed the side of your head then put his hand on your cheek making you look up at him. He rubbed your cheek and pulled you in for a kiss. You both could feel each other smiling until you pulled away looking up at him. You both continued talking to each other giving little kisses here and there until it was almost eclipse so you both stood up and went back to your family pods.

Aonung's POV

I was very sad when we had to go. I missed her in my arms as we were talking about anything and everything. As soon as I got home I got yelled at of course "Aonung where have you been!" "Sorry mom I was out with.." I wasn't ready to tell them about my relationship with Y/n. I'm scared they won't accept her but...I won't give up, I love her so much so I'll do everything I can. "With who?" My mother questioned me while my dad was standing behind her also wanting to know who I was with "I was with Y/n" "For this long?" My mother had a suspicious face. "Are you two together?." I looked down ready for what she was going to say "Yes we are." "No. I will not allow this. You can't be with a forest girl." I was angry. I finally found the girl I want and its her. She changed me for the better, she made me happy "But mom I love her. I finally found the girl I want and its Y/n." "No Aonung you can't. You will stop speaking to her." "Excuse me what?." I can't believe this is happening. I looked to my father for help but got nothing. Tsireya was also there also having a worried face thinking about her and Loak "Mother it's not fair. Let me have this one thing." I couldn't just let go. "NO! That is enough Aonung." She yelled at him making my father jump back. To be honest I wouldn't step in too or else it wouldn't turn out good but I'm his son. He should be supporting me right? My mother yelled at me some more but I had enough and grunted to my room. I had no other choice but to do as my mother said.


As soon as I got home Neteyam came up to me just to tease me "My little sister finally found herself a boyfriend" He smiled as he put his arm around my shoulders "Stop it Teyam. Plus I'm only 2 mins younger than you." I moved his arm that was around my shoulders and and sat down with my mother "Is it true" Mother asked me with my Father looking at me "Yes it is..." "As long as your happy-" I widen my eyes in surprise "Reall-" "But" Mother had cut me off "I don't think Ronal, the tsahìk will allow it since Aonung is gonna be the next Olo'eyktan" I nodded and I already knew something like that was gonna happen "I'm willing to try though mother. No boy has ever made me feel like this. I truly like him" I started to express my feelings to my mother and she came close you me rubbing my arm. After talking it out with my mother, with my father listening in on all of it went to my room. I'm so happy I found the person I love, whom I can trust and spend time with. I wonder what tomorrow will bring. Maybe I could make him something, yeah I'm gonna make him something.

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