Why all of a sudden...

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It was now morning so I got up and started looking for seashells and pearls so I could make a bracelet for Aonung. I collected everything and started putting it all together. I had teal, blue and white shells with one shiny white pearl. Everyone was out but I didn't see Aonung yet, he's probably still asleep.

It has been 2 hours and I finally finished the gift for him, so now I just have to find him.

No Ones POV

Y/n looked for him everywhere but couldn't find him. She asked someone and finally found out where he was. He was with his friends so she went up to him with her gift she made "Nung?" He looked at you but looked away quickly "Go away Y/n you shouldn't be here" Y/n was so confused. Everything was going great but why was he acting like this all of a sudden. "Nung what's wrong?" Y/n said worriedly as she went close to him grabbing his arm and rubbing it but to only be pushed hard making her fall onto the ground. Y/n's eyes started to tear up and tears started to fall. Aonung felt like he did something horrible which he regrets "Y/n I'm sorry I didn't me-" "Save it Aonung. I get it...you clearly don't wanna talk or see me " Tears coming out not wanting to stop. He tried to grab her hands but she pulled away "Don't touch me." At this point all Aonungs friends left not wanting to get involved. Y/n stood up and left sobbing "Y/n wait" He tried to run after you but something stopped him "Aonung." He looked to the side of him and there stood his mother Nonal. He knew he could go after you so he left with his mother.

Y/n was hurt by Aonungs words and actions. She sat at the beach and cried while it was slowly turning dark. Her legs were to her chest with her arms wrapped around. Y/n heard footsteps coming near her so she looked up hoping it would be Aonung but it was another Metkayina person "Why is such a pretty girl crying?" He questioned and sat down beside her "It's none of your business." "Woah no need to be cold, my name is Raeymon. You?" He seemed nice, y/n thought "My name is Y/n" "Nice to meet you Y/n. So why are you crying?" Y/n wiped her tears "My boyfriend.." "What'd he do?" He was curious as to why someone would hurt a pretty girl like her. "He doesn't want to talk to me. When I tried to he pushed me away. I don't know what's gotten into his head, we were great yesterday and the other days " "Well he shouldn't have done that. That's not how you treat a girl, especially you" Y/n's eyes landed on his, he was beautiful "Well you now have a new friend" He took your hand and kissed it. You were kinda weird out but didn't mind after all Aonung pushed you away.

Aonungs POV

I finally got away from my mother. Now I need to find Y/n. I saw her at the beach so I went over but I saw someone else with her so I hid behind a rock. I got a better look and its Raeymon. Why is he there here with her? I couldn't just leave without knowing why he's there so I stayed behind the rock to heard what they were talking about.

No ones POV

You were having a good time talking with Raeymon, he was making you happy after what Aonung has done. Aonung heard enough and decided to leave with the feeling of anger, jealousy and sadness. "You know I would love to see the forest" He suddenly said and you looked over to him with sparkles in your eyes "Well I can tell you all about it" You then went on a whole rant on how the forest has many beautiful places and the history it has. Raeymon looked at you lovingly as you went on and on, he could stare at you for hours and listen to you. You realize he's staring and been staring, you called out his name but he was still looking at you. You called out to him again waving your hand in front of his face then he suddenly came back "Oh sorry" you laughed and reassured him it was okay.

After awhile of talking to each other you both decide it was time to go home "It's getting a little late, I should go back" you said standing up "Yeah me too. Well it was nice talking to you. I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" Raeymon stood up next to you brushing the sand off of him "Yeah, see you tomorrow" Raeymon and you then both parted ways. As you were walking home you saw Aonung with another girl.

You looked at them and Aonung caught your gaze. You felt hurt and thinking to yourself if that girl was the reason he wanted to stop talking to you and pushed you away. You've never felt this hurt and used before and it didn't feel nice. You told yourself not to cry but tears started dropping as you walked by. Aonung wanted to come up to you and comfort you but he knew he couldn't.

"Aonung?" The girl said trying to catch his attention but he kept staring at you with guilt "Aonung!" The girl finally got his attention and she clearly saw him looking at you "You know your mom will never accept her. She's not even a reef na'vi so that's why you should date me instead off her. Also she's not even pretty, her whole family are freaks." she rolled her eyes but Aonung was angry. He couldn't just stand there listening to someone criticizing his girlfriend "I would date anyone but you. I'm only talking to you because of my mother. Y/n is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, she makes me feel so different. I can be myself around her and not be afraid of being judged. You also have no right talking about her and her family like that." He stood in front on the girl looking down on her making her feel intimidated. "W-whatever. I never liked you anyways." She then ran away and went to talk Ronal about what happened. Aonung didn't really care but all he thought about was you and thinking on how he could make it up to you even though he knew it was gonna be hard and it might take some time.

Y/n's POV

I went to our pod in tears and sped to my room. My whole family was looking at me in confusion wanting to know why I was crying. I stayed on my bed and cried, does he like her now? I can't get it out of my mind. Was he just playing with me after all? Someone knocked on my door "Y/n?.." It was my mother. I was to upset to answer so she came in and sat where my back was facing her "Whats wrong my child" She rubbed my back as I sobbed "Mom I don't know what to do" "What do you mean by that" I sat up looking at her with my red puffy eyes "He pushed me away. He's now talking to another girl but he doesn't want to talk to me about anything. I don't know what's going on" Mom held out her arms and I moved to her, letting her embrace me and comfort me. "It's going to be okay, maybe you'll just have to wait or figure it out yourself. Do whatever your heart feels like" She rubbed my head as I cried into her arms. After a while she lets me go and puts me to sleep.

-----------Time skip

Its been a few days since Aonung has talked to me, it still hurts a lot. I want to know the reason why. I've been trying to talk to him but he always walks away. This is all confusing, what does he want. He walks away but he looks sad as if he wants to talk to me. I've been okay and now that I have Raeymon and my siblings. I've been a little happy but I still want Aonung here with me. I need him, I need his touch but if he's acting like this I'll just give him time to man up and talk to me...

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