Finally Peace

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I woke up to a bright light shining into my eyes beaming onto my face. I yawned and tried to get up, I notice Aonungs arms around me tightly. I knew I couldn't get out so I stayed in place trying not to wake him. Aonung looks at peace when sleeping. I put a hand to his cheek and rubbed it. I smiled in awe seeing him sound asleep. I pecked his lips with mine over and over and slowly so I didn't wake him. I've done it a couple of times and after a few he started giggling. I pulled back and widened my eyes "Are you awake" I asked as he opened one eye "Maybe" He smirked "For how long.." I was now covering my face with my hands from embarrassment "Awe, don't cover your face love" He removed my hands from my face as I try not to die "I've been awake for at least 5 mins" That was when started caressing his cheek "Oh gosh" I looked down trying not to make eye contact with him "It's okay, it was cute" He chuckled to himself "Come on with have to get going. I bet our families are worried" I agreed and Aonung picked me up as I was still too weak walking myself. I mean I did get shot twice.

-------------------Mini Time skip

No ones POV

We got back to the village and everyone circled around. Aonung was obviously still carrying you and both your families were worried "Aonung. Where have you've been" Ronal said sternly. Your mother also walked up "Oh my Y/n. Where'd you go. I was worried sick and you're still hurt you can't go anywhere" You apologized and your father also came up "Yeah kid where were you. You know you can't be moving" You looked down in shame while still holding onto Aonung "Sorry father" "Sir we just went to a uhm-" Aonung stopped

We haven't really named the cave and it was just an unknown cave "It was just a cave me and Y/n found awhile back. She wanted to get some fresh air. I would never do anything to put your daughter in harms way" Jake nodded surprised by the boy's words "Ok. As long as shes okay. Thank you" Jake stepped back as he let Tonowari come through "Son. At least inform us somehow" "Yes father" You groaned as everyone looked at you "Can we go back to the hut please. Aonung can't hold me forever" everyone laughed and allowed Aonung to bring you back to the healing hut so Ronal and check up on you "I can hold you forever my love" Aonung whispered into your ear making you blush "Whatever your Skxawng" You giggled and he was walking towards the hut.

Ronal was right behind you and watched you both talking to one another. 'I guess they do really work. I can see how my son is happy' Ronal thought to herself. She saw lots of scenes of you and Aonung enjoying the time you have with each other. She thought to herself thinking she was a little hard on Aonung. She and Tonowari were in love and the sound of her forcing love onto her child like that was wrong. Ronal loves her children but she always thought of what was best for the village but she saw the happiness from her son and how his behavior changed ever since you showed up into his life which Ronal had to thank you for.

You got to the hut and Aonung sat you down "Thank you Ma'Nung" You smiled brightly at him "Of course" He bowed as if you were a queen "Stop it" You swatted your hands and giggled. Ronal has been watching and listening to your conversations and she smiled to herself as she got the healing herbs and ointments. "Aonung let me check on her" Ronal walked in as Aonung sat beside you holding your hand.

Ronal checked on your wounds and said it was healing slowly "Thank you Ronal" You thanked her and smiled "Of course anything for the person who changed Aonung. You know he was a trouble maker" You chuckled "Yeah I saw lots of it" Ronal smiled at you while Aonungs jaw dropped to the floor "Excuse me what?" You and Ronal looked at him "Yes son you were in lots of trouble. I have you thank Y/n for changing you. Thank you Y/n for helping my son" Aonung groaned out as you and Ronal laughed "Its okay Aonung you weren't that bad" You side eyed "Come on your suppose to be on my side" You and Aonung kept going back and forth with each other and didn't norice Ronal was gone. She was happy her son finally found someone whom he can love and be loved.

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