Spirit Tree

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"Come on you're supposed to be on my side" Aonung pouted at you as you laughed to yourself. Aonung kept acting hurt and he got all sassy. You looked at him in awe and stroked his cheek. He was surprised and looked at you in confusion "What is it my love?" He asked putting his hand on top of yours. You shook your head "Its nothing, I'm just so happy" He smiled at you and kiss the inside of your hand that was on his cheek. "I'm happy too" He got up still holding your hand "Come on I wanna show you something" You got up and moved slowly "You know our parents are gonna kill us" You said knowing you weren't suppose to move "I know I know but it's fine. You're with me" You rolled your eyes and smiled.

You guys got out of the hut and you are leaning on Aonung for support. Kiri came along to check on you "Y/n, Aonung. where are you going? You know you're supposed to stay in bed" You looked up at Kiri "Its okay. Aonung is gonna show me something" You smiled "She's going to be okay. Tell my father if they ask" Kiri rolled her eyes and walked off. Aonung looked down at you and smiled. He picked you up and started walking towards the water. He called for his ilu and then dived into the water.

Soon enough you got to a place that had floating mountains and a glowing tree underwater "Aonung this is beautiful" You said as Aonung pressed his chest on your back and held you "I know" He kissed your temple. You've never felt so loved and to be held like this from the person you love felt amazing, safe. "Let me show you the Spirit tree" Aonung and you got off the ilu and he helped you gently glide through the water. You were shocked at how beautiful and spirit trees were. It was glowing and the light that came off made the water light up. The animals and the tree together was a beautiful sight. Aonung then took your hand and signed to connect your queue. You did as he said and connected it with the tree.


Y/n's Vision

I was siting on the sand watching 2 kids running around "Mommy help me!" The girl ran to me. She called me mommy. I'm a mom right now. I held her and looked shocked. Is this mine and Aonungs future? The older boy ran away to a man "Dad!" the boy yelled. I looked at the way the boy ran and saw a man standing there. Before I could see his face the scene switched. I was now pregnant. I was in the pod cooking food with an older child. A daughter. She was talking to me as I listened "Mom look but I caught!" An older boy came into the pod and held up a fish "Dad finally took me outside the reef where the bigger fish are" The boy was excited and put the fish next to you. A male entered the pod moving away the curtains but before I knew it I was pulled away before I could see the man's face.


You opened your eyes and looked at Aonung and we swam up "Aonung" You were breathing heavily because of how long you were underwater "Are you okay?" He asked and came close and held me up "I saw-" Y/n was still catching her breath so it was hard to talk "I saw our future I think" He smiled at you. He called his ilu and got you on top while getting on behind you "I saw it too. We have beautiful children" You smiled up at him grabbing his face with one of your hands. Aonung put his head on the crook of your neck and closed his eyes "I love you Ma'Nung" "I love you too Ma'Y/n" He rapped his arms around you and kissed the said of your head "Lets get back home" He said riding back to the village.

Aonungs POV

I got Y/n back to the village safely and we saw Tuk, Kiri and Neteyam on the beach. We got off and called out to them "Hi guys!" Y/n yelled. They all turned their heads and waved "Y/n!" Tuk yelled out. Me and Y/n walked over to them and asked what they were doing and they were apparently looking for seashells to make necklaces and bracelets. Me and Y/n joined them also looking for seashells. Everyone was in groups and we went along the beach looking for shells. Our arms were linked together as we walked and picked up shells. We were talking and laughing, I wish to live in this moment where everything is fine and we're safe. Where she's safe.

We got back to the group and showed the shells we got. Tuk and them got prettier ones while ours were..okay but still pretty "Ours are better" Tuk said sticking out her tongue "Of course yours is better Tuk" Y/n smiled patting her head. "Lets make necklaces!" Tuk yelled and sat down. Kiri came up to us with materials. Everyone got working making necklaces. I sat next to Y/n of course and asked who she was giving the necklace too. She turned away and said "Don't look yet! Also It's going to be a bracelet" I chuckled "Okay okay I won't look" I got back to the one I was working on and it was for her. I was also making a bracelet for her. I added shells and beads that match with her.

It's been so time and everyone was done with their necklace/bracelet. It was almost dark so everyone went home but me and Y/n. "It was nice being with you today Aonung" Y/n said. I wasn't ready for her to go, I still want her here with me "Wait" I stopped her "I have something for you" She tilted her head and I grabbed her hand leading her into the forest. I started picking up the pace and she ran with me to a place I set up. Well I didn't really set it up I got my friends to. And yes those friends. "Aonung wait" Y/n laughed running behind me while I was still holding her hand.

We got to the place and it was set up beautifully. Y/n gasped and came out from behind me "Aonung it's beautiful" She smiled and walked ahead "Awe thank you Aonung, you're so sweet" She came up to make and put a hand to my cheek. "I love you Y/n" "I love you too Aonung" I sighed and closed my eyes. This wasn't just any surprise. I want to ask her to be mine...



Thank you for 4k reads! This chapter hasn't been edited yet but I hope you like it

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