Near Death

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Loak was doing what Jake told him to do so he went to look for Aonung. It took him a while but he found him with his friends on ilus. "Hey" Loak said while Aonung and his look at him "What do you want?" Aonung looked mad "I just came to say sorry for punching many times" Aonung smiled at his friends trying to hint something and his friends understood. "Lets be friends" Aonung said with a smile while his ugly ass friends giggled. "Sure" Loak smiled as he

thought he made peace with Aonung "Lets go hunting, but outside the reef" Aonung said out of nowhere as Loak widen his eyes "No dude I'm not allowed over the reef". Aonung rolled his eyes "I guess I'm asking the wrong brother" he laughed with his friends but on the other hand Loak saw this as an opportunity to make friends.


I was sitting at the beach playing with the sand while looking out at the ocean. I kind of grew to love the ocean and its beauty but I still like the forest better. Tsireya came and sat next to me "Hello Y/n" "Hi Tsireya" I gave a smile to her as she did the same. We were both were talking about stories about each other but in the corner of my eyes I saw Loak with Aonung and his friends. "Hey look, it's Loak with Aonung" I said with a worried look. "Yeah but where are they going?" Tsireya asked.

—----------Mini Time Skip

No one's POV

Y/n gets on her ilu even she doesn't really know how to ride one still. She rides over to where Aonung was at but she soon notice Loak was no longer with them "Hey I saw Loak with you guys where is he?" "We took him outside the reef," One of Aonungs friends said with a smile. Aonungs friends laughed but he looked like he had a little bit of guilt. "WHAT! ARE YOU ALL IDIOTS WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU ALL!" Y/n rode fast to get Loak hoping he was okay. "Y/n!" Aonung screamed trying to stop you but you kept going.
"LOAK! LOAK!" Y/n screamed so Loak could hear you, soon enough you found Loak laying on a big looking rock "Loak! No" Y/n rushed over to Loak hoping he was okay. When she got over there he checked if he was still breathing. You sighed in relief "Loak wake up" she said as she started to shake him and soon Loak woke up "Y/n?" "Yes Loak its me" Y/n started to tear up and hugged her little brother tightly "Thank you ewya" Y/n whispered. Loak looked at the big rock but noticed it was a huge creature. " saved me thank you." He said smiling at it "Huh?" You looked confused but looked at the creature as well "Oh my- I thought it was a huge rock" Loak laughed at you.

—--------Mini Time Skip

Y/n and Loak arrived back, everyone were looking for you "Shit, we're gonna get in trouble" Loak and Y/n quickly swam back to the shore and as they got up everyone was surrounding. Jake and Tonowari came along and as they both saw Aonung they wanted to hit him so they move forward to him only to be stopped by their father. Jake grab Loak seeing if he's hurt then checks you "They're fine, they're fine" Jake said as he looked at everyone. Netiri also came with Tonowari not far behind "I pray to ewya that I will not pluck the eyes out of my youngest son" She hissed at Loak but then a voice spoke "It was my sons fault he will take responsibility" Tonowari took his son by the neck and pushed him down to bow to us. Loak spoke and he defended Aonung but why would he do that Y/n thought to herself.


I looked at Aonung as I felt anger and rage. First he called you freaks, second he bullied our sister and now it's trying to kill my brother. LIKE WHAT! Why was he so nice to me...

No ones POV

After a little talk Loak left with Aonung right behind him. Y/n just walked off thinking to herself. "Why did you defend me?" "Because I know what it's like to be a big disappointment" Aonung smiled at Loak as they walked.

"I wish I had been there, the ocean blessed you with a gift brother" Kiri was smiling and was fascinated by Loaks story "But the tulkuns have not returned yet and no tulkun are alone" Aonung was looking at Loak with a little confusion "This one was" Loak pointed to his arm "And- and it had a missing fin" Tsireya looked a Rotxo and Aonung with worry "Payakan, Its Payakan" The the sullys questioned "Payakan? Whos Payakan?" Rotxo spoke up "Payakan is a young bull that went rouge" "He killed other tulkun and Na'vi, not here but far to the south" Aonung said adding more to just Rotxo said "No, he's no killer" "Loak" Tsireya looked at him with a worried look "My baby brother a might warrior who lived to tell the story about the killer Tulkun" Loak pushed Neteyam away "you guys don't understand. He saved me. Non of you are listening" He walked off while everyone called his name.

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