Family pt. 2

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3 Months Later

It's now been nine months and the baby can come anytime soon. The baby was kicking like crazy. You were in the water to calm the baby and to soothe your mind. You walked around in the water and the water was up to the top of your belly down. You looked into the sea and saw your Mate was coming back from hunting. Aonung got off his skimwing and came towards you telling the others to bring the fish to the hunting pod "Hello beautiful love" He kissed you on your lips and wrapped an arm around your shoulders "You should be resting, you can poop out a baby anytime now" You slapped Aonung in the chest and rolled your eyes at him. You both headed back to the shore. Aonung rubbed your baby belly and asked the baby when they were coming out. You laughed at him and just let him do his thing "Your going to be a daddy's boy...or girl" "Aonung he's a boy" Aonung rolled his eyes "You still trust the vision you saw at the spirit tree" You gasped at what Aonung had just said "Aonung, ewya showed me that vision. I will never doubt great mother" Aonung put his hands up in defeat "Yes yes sorry" He put a hand on your lower back while kissing your temple leading you to the beach.

You start breathing heavily, holding your belly while grabbing Aonungs shoulder to keep you steady "What's wrong?" Aonung said, turning to you holding you up with both hands. "I think the baby is coming" You looked into his eyes and he hurriedly tried to get you to Ronal" Loak was still at the beach coming back from the hunt and Aonung yelled to him to get Ronal. Loak started walking but ran as soon as Aonung yelled at him to pick up his ass. You start huffing and slowly walking towards the pod. Soon enough Ronal came out and told Aonung to bring her to one of the healing pods.

You got in the pod and laid down. Aonung was getting the rest of yours and his family. Everyone stood outside not allowed to come in. Neytiri came in to help and assist Ronal with the birthing of your child. Aonung came in right after everyone was there and laid down on his belly holding yours. You groaned in pain as you waited for the baby to really come. Soon after, the baby was coming. Ronal told you to push and push but everytime it hurt  "You can do this love" Aonung kissed your head being there with you the whole time. After a couple more pushes the baby finally came out. You sighed in relief and Aonung stroked your head telling you that you did well "I'm so proud of you love" Ronal smiled and gave the baby to you. You teared up holding your child with Aonung now sitting up still stroking your head. The rest of the family came in and smiled at the sight of you and Aonung with your child "Everyone, meet Äo" You said looking down at your baby.

A year later

"Äo come back here you little na'vi" Aonung chased Äo while Äo being naked from Aonung changed him. Äo almost ran out of the pod but before he could, you him up "I got you" You laughed and planted kisses all over his face making him giggle "Are you giving daddy a hard time hm?" Aonung sighed and relieved at you being there in time "Thank goodness. I was chasing a naked na'vi for 5 minutes" You laughed at him while he took Äo back into his arms finally getting Ao dressed. "Mama" Äo reached for you hugging your legs "Yes love?" You picked him up and Äo played with your hair "I wanna go play with aunty tuk" He said politely "Sorry Äo not now" Aonung said picking up the items that fell from chasing Äo"Why not?" Äo pouted "You can go play just a little bit okay" You said kissing Äo's cheek. Äo stuck his tongue  out at Aonung. Äo was definitely a mama's boy

Äo was trying to run to your family's pod where Tuk was. You were holding Äo's hand while he tried to get your to run with him. Aonung was behind you both and smiled at his little family. You got to your family's pod and Äo ran up to Neytiri which surprised you and Aonung "I thought you came here to see Tuk" You looked down at Äo and he smiled at you. Äo was the cutest little na'vi you've ever seen. You would destroy anyone who dares to make him sad or hurt him. "I have to hug Grandma and Grandpa first." You scuffled Äo's hair and kissed his cheek. Aonung silently watches you both smiling. You turned back and faced Aonung "Little Äo is gonna be the death of me" Aonung chuckled and pulled you in for a kiss. Äo stood there innocently "Sorry Äo" You laughed "Go play with Tuk" Äo nodded and ran to Tuk. You and Aonung left the pod and walked on the beach "This is nice" Aonung said holding your hand swinging it back and fourth. You and Aonung were finally at peace and now has a little family living the life you've always wanted.

A couple years Later

Y/n Pov

I was cooking in our pod with our 2nd child. Näeyne. She was 7 years old "Mom, how do I cut this? " Näeyne asked. I showed her how to cut a fruit she didn't know how to cut and she added it into a pot "Mom! Mom! Look what I caught!" Äo ran to me showing me a fish he caught "Wow Äo you did a pretty good job" You smiled while scuffing his hair. Aonung came after and kissed your head while sitting next to you"Dad finally took me outside the reef where the bigger fish are" Äo was only a year older then Näeyne "Are you proud of me?" Äo said looking at me with puppy eyes "Yes I am very proud of you Äo" Äo looked at his dad and with his eyes he told Aonung to move over so he could sit beside me. Aonung sighed and moved over. "Can you both prepare the fish" I told Äo and Aonung "Yes mama" I turned to Näeyne and told her to go play. She has been helping you for the past 2 hours. "Hows the baby?" Aonung said looking down at my belly "Good" I rested my hand on top of my baby bump. I was 4 months pregnant. Our family was growing.

I Know this chapter isn't as good as the others but here you go ;) It was kinda rushed sorry...
Second last chapter

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