Demon Ship

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We were all swimming away as fast as we could so the sky people wouldn't catch up to us but as soon we were about to escape the sky people released an underwater vehicle. I'm pretty sure my dad knows what they're called but I have never seen or heard of it.  The vehicle was too fast, faster than an ilu that is part of the ocean.  We ran into a crowd of seaweed and decided to hide among them but the sky people could easily see us. We keep hiding hoping they would lose us from all the seaweed. I clung to Aonung as he sped up I had hope for everyone to be safe. My grip was getting loose as the sky people were still behind me and Aonung.

I lose grip and flung onto the underwater vehicle. Aonung didn't feel your arms around him anymore so he looked back in horror. He tried to reach for you but you were in the hands of the sky people. They didn't care about the other na'vis only me and my siblings. The vehicle rose from the water and threw me into a net "Let me go!" I yelled back but of course I knew they weren't going to. Aonung felt devastated, he felt like he didn't protect me but he soon got pulled away by Neteyam. I'm so relieved Neteyam is alright but it was a good decision for Neteyam to take Aonung before he does something stupid. I also saw Tsireya and Tuk in a net with Loak hanging off of it trying to cut open the net. All 4 of us got thrown onto the ship and hit the ground "Ow you skxawngs! Could've let us down nicely." I said holding my back. Loak tried to fight back along with Tuk but they were too small compared to an adult avatar. Tsireya and Tuk were scared but we couldn't show them how me and Loak were scared "Be calm, mawey" I said looking at Tuk and Tsireya. I didn't know where the others were but I hope they're safe.

No ones POV

"Dad!" Tuk yelled out. You all looked out to the sea and saw your father along with the Metkayina clan with him. The bad person standing above Loak was Quaritch. He took Loaks speaking device and earpiece "Come on out Jake. You killed your good men and woman, I will not hesitate to kill your son" Quaritch pulled out a pull and held into to Loaks head "Loak!" We all screamed "Get your dirty gun off him!" I yelled kicking his leg. Quaritch hisses in pain "Got a feisty one here" He had a grin on his face as you looked at him in disgust.

Aonungs POV

I can't believe I let go of Y/n, I'm such an idiot. I was going to go after her but Neteyam pulled me back "Don't go. It is not safe" Still holding onto my arm making sure I don't go run off "But Y/n" I so desperately wanted her back knowing she was safe but now shes not safe and its all my fault "I'm so sorry, its all my fault.." "It's okay bro don't worry we'll get them back. They have your sister, Loak and Tuk as well" Well great there's more "Follow me" Neteyam said as he led me behind a rock. We popped our heads out looking for any sky people near but we saw our parents. I looked in the direction they were heading to and it was the demon ship. I scanned the ship and there I saw Loak, Tsireya, Tuk and...Y/n. If I would've held her she would've been safe and not on the demon ship. It's all my fault. Neteyam realized I was staring for too long and put a hand on my shoulder "Its okay we'll get them back I promise you" I nodded and watched what was in front of my eyes.

---------Mini time skip

Loak was and Y/n were shaking their head to tell Jake not to come forward but Jake needed to get his kids back so he did as Quaritch said. Loak got extremely angry as this was all happening Y/n started to breathe heavily. As Jake approached getting a little closer by the second but something big jumped from the water

"Payakan!" Tuk yelled out as Payakan got onto the ship helping us and fighting against the sky people. Payakan was enraged and couldn't stop himself. Y/n thought to herself 'If it weren't for Payakan who knows what would  have happened' Once Payakan jumped onto the ship the Metkayina and your parents charged and fought the sky people. You four were still tied but as less sky people on the ship at front were gone Neteyam and Aonung jumped into the ship "Neteyam!" Tuk said with excitement. You all looked over and saw them both "Aonung" You said under your breath. Aonung got to Tsireya and Neteyam got to Tuk. As they got released Neteyam told Tsireya to take Tuk and get out of here. Aonung came to you and kissed you on the head "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Aonung started asking a lot of questions making sure you're okay "Yes yes Aonung I'm okay. Don't worry" He untied me as Neteyam untied Loak. We all were about to leave the boat but Loak thought otherwise "Loak" Neteyam said "Come on bro, they've got Spider" Aonung raised a brow in confusion "Whose Spider?" He asked, tilting his head "He's a friend our hours, he's human" Y/n said taking his hand "A human?" He widens his eyes looking at you. Loak ran inside carefully as Neteyam grunted and went in with him. Y/n tried to run after them but Aonung pulled you back "It's too dangerous" He said "I have to go in. My brothers are in there along with my friend" Y/n let go of his hand and ran into the ship "Go, I'll be okay. Go make sure Tsireya and Tuk are okay" Aonung didn't like this idea but he knew Neteyam and Loak would be there along with there human friend. He grunted "Fine, please be safe" They both parted again and soon Y/n caught up with her brothers. They looked down seeing there friend being taken by other humans. They looked at each other and nodded. All three jumped down and hit the sky people "Neteyam, Loak, Y/n!" Spider yelled, hitting a sky person. A sky person was going to shoot Loak but Loak still had the gun in hand a shot him, making him fall to the ground. All of them were huffing and puffing but when they thought they were done avatars came in and started shooting "Go go go!" Neteyam said. They got behind a wall to not get shot "Gimme that" Neteyam took the gun from Loak and started shooting the avatars."Go! Get out" Neteyam was still shooting at them while Y/n spider and Loak were behind him "Go Loak, Sipder" There was a opening for everyone to escape so Loak and Spider jumped in without hesitation "Y/n go!" Neteyam told still trying to hold off the sky people "No brother. I can't leave you here alone. We go together!" Y/n told as Neteyam grunted "We go on 3. Okay" Y/n nodded and got ready to run "1....2....3!" You both ran and jumped at the same time. When you jumped Neteyam got in front of you on purpose but knowing Neteyam, Y/n switched and was now in front of him.

You both hit the water and raised "That was awesome cuz!" Loak said with excitement while Spider left. You all finally got out thinking everyone was safe....

"Skxawng...I'm shot.."

Who was shot?....

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