Learning The Ways

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You all went to the shore and Aonung started making calls as the sea creatures came a long and circled round everyone. "These are called ilu's. If you want to live here you have to ride." Aonung looking at everyone and his eye lingered on you for longer. Everyone had to partner up. Tsireya with Lo'ak, Kiri somehow learned already and no on knows how but she is teaching Tuk, Rotxo was teaching Neteyam and that left Y/n and Aonung. Aonung called an ilu over as Y/n got on and connected her queue. "Feel her, her breath, her heart" Aonung said looking at you while petting the ilu. Loak went first and fell of as soon as he got into the water but on the other hand Neteyam got it on the first try. Tuk did the same thing, the younger and smaller ilu's are a little more slower so it gently glided Tuk through the water. It was now your turn "Go" Aonung tapped the ilu to go. You were doing good above the water but when you go into the water it got difficult. You stayed in the water for a good amount of time but got flung off after. Aonung laughed at you as you swim back to the group "Yeah yeah whatever." You rolled your eyes "You did great for your first try" Tsireya came up to you basically jumping in excitement for you "Thank you Tsireya"

After you all got done, you all went to a hangout place where you were going to learn how to breathe. We sat in a circle,  Y/n sitting in between Neteyam and Aonung. Tsireya starts teaching everyone while Rotxo moves his hands in a circular motion and while you looked around at everyone she saw the Aonung was looking towards you seeing if you were doing it right. You had a slight blush to her face but soon your attention went to Loak and Tsireya. Tsireya had put her hands on Loak "Breathe here" as she put her hands on Loak's abdomen. As Tsireya was feeling his heartbeat, she looked up at Loak "Your heartbeat is really fast, try to calm it down" Y/n looked at Neteyam looking at Rotxo they both smiled and started to giggle a little. Kiri just rolled her eyes as Y/n was laughing too. Loak looked down at her "Sorry" he breathed trying to calm his heartbeat.

Aonung looked at you and saw that you were doing everything wrong. He also put his hands on your chest and abdomen "You're doing it all wrong" he smiled at you "Breath here, it'll help you more" you looked at him taking his advice while Neteyam gave a side eye looking at Aonung putting his hands on you. Everyone knows how protective he is, especially when it comes to his siblings. You started doing it right and he pulled away. After some practice and the sky getting dark, everyone went back to their pods to rest for the day.

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