Sky People

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You walked close to your family pod but to see Tonowari there looking out to the sea with your dad and mom standing behind him "What are they talking about?" You thought to yourself.


I was curious as to what was going on so I got closer and hid myself from them but close enough where I could hear their conversation "Sky people. They're looking for you Jake Sully." My eyes had widened in shock and put my hand covering my mouth in disbelief. No, not now why...I sat down with my back turned against them as I listened more "South" Tonowari pointed with no expression "They have a human boy who speaks Na'vi" silence creeped up "Did they kill anyone?..." My father spoke "Not yet. The villagers will not tell them where you are by my order." I couldn't believe it. They are always coming after my family. I just want a peaceful life, no wars. I started to tear up and I walked away from where our pod was. I sat underneath a tree thinking to myself. How could this be, how did they find us, after all those days traveling and learning...was is for nothing? 

After time went by that day a horn blew. I jumped at the loud sound making me get out of my own thoughts. "Ronals soul sister has been killed!" Everyone rushed to the place where Tonowari and Ronal were. Ronal was devastated and so were her people. My family also showed up at the hearing of sky people here "My spirit sister and he baby had been murdered by the sky people!" Ronal cried in frustration and heartbroken from her spirit sister and her baby getting killed from the sky people. I was panicking at what was gonna happen if the sky people really did find us. Would we all die? My breathing was stable and some that were around me noticed. Aonung was one of them so he came over to comfort me "Its okay love, everything is going to be okay" While he was trying to comfort you everyone cried out ready to fight for there brothers and sisters. Meanwhile Jake tried to calm them down and warn them "This war has come to us. We knew about this hunting tulkun people but it was far away. Now it is here" Tonowari yelled sticking his tongue out as everyone followed "No no! You have to understand how the sky people think. They don't care about the great balance" Everyone continued to cry out "We dont answer the sky people!" One na'vi yelled out "No listen. Listen to him" Neteyam tired to calm everyone "Sky people aren't going to stop this is only the begining. You gotta tell your tulkuns to leave! Tell them to go far away!" Jake said looking at everyone "Leave?.." Ronal questioned Jake "You live among us and you've learned nothing!" Ronal told him "We will fight for our brothers and sisters!" Another na'vi said making everyone hyped up "No no, if you attack, if you fight then they will destroy you! They will destory everything that you love" Jakes voice cracks worried wanted to keep everyone safe and not be reckless. When Ronal heard what Jake said she put she hand to her stomach thinking about her baby. Everyone's still yelling telling Jake no "Hear my words!" Jake yelled back.

 "Stay calm! Stay calm! Everybody listen, he's speaks the truth" Neteyam tired to get them to listen but his voice was too low for anyone to hear over the screams. Jake took the tracker from Neteyam and held it up. We all looked closely, me still being in Aonungs embrace being much more calmer. "Tell your tulkuns if they get hit by one of these they're marked for death" Everyone was now silent looking at the tracker as Jake spoke. Me and Aonung went in closer into the circle also looking at Jake "Call for me, I'll silence it. Saving their lives that's all that matters. Saving your family" Everyone was quiet thinking about the words that came out of Jakes mouth. Ronal looked to Tonowari speaking with their eyes. Ronal looked so worried and sad as she told everyone to go tell the tulkuns to leave and to warn them. In the corner of my eyes I see Loak walking off and Neteyam slowly following him. I knew it wasn't a good time for Loak to do anything risky right now as the sky people are getting closer. 

No Ones POV

Everyone left and got ready to tell the tulkun. Neytiri and Jake walked off "We must fight" Neytiri said sternly "Ma'Jake, I will not stand and do nothing." Jake grabing onto her arm and spoke softly "Its a trap. They want us to attack" He looked back seeing if anyone was watching "They're not hunting tulkun, they're hunting us"

Y/n's POV (When you see Loak and Neteyam walking off)

"Aonung, go to Tsireya" I told him as I saw her crying for the loss of her mothers soul sister "I'm going to follow the two skxawngs right now" He nodded "Be safe and put those two into place" You laughed as Aonung gave you a kiss to the head.

 As I found Loak and Neteyam, Loak jumped into the water "Neteyam what's going on" I picked up the pace running over to Neteyam while 3 other na'vis came along "Loak's going to Payakan. Let's go!" Neteyam called for an ilu as everyone else did. What was this skxawng doing, I swear when I see Loak I will- "Loak!" I heard Kiri yell out with Tuk with her "He's going to Payakan!" Neteyam called out still going full speed "Wait for us!" Kiri yelled back as everyone moved past them.

"Loak wait!" Everyone called out being worried something might happen. As we all tired to stop him he called out to Payakan "Payakan!" We all got closer to Loak not wanted anything bad to happen "Oh shit" Loak mumbled as Payakan turned to let Loak see that there's a red device beeping that was stuck to him. Loak got onto Payakan and pull onto the tracker. Everyone also got close and hopped on Payakan trying to help the tulkun "Oh shit, the demon ship!" I said still trying to get the tracker off. Everyone looked and panicked "Shit" Loak said. 

No ones POV 

Now you're all frankly trying to get the tracker off the tulkun "Hurry! Its getting closer!" Tsireya yelled. Neteyam had an idea and grabbed rope. He tied one end of the rope onto the ilu and tossed the other side to Aonung. Aonung got the idea and tied the rode onto the tracker "Go, pull!" Aonung yelled as you all helped pulled and Neteyam telling the ilu to pull and go faster. 

It finally shot off and everyone was panting. Loak told Payakan to go and swim away far. Neteyam told everyone to leave as he took the tracker saying he would lead the sky people away as you all escape. You were worried about Neteyam of course because he was your twin so you called out to him "Neteyam wait!" You tried to follow him but Aonung grabbed your arm "Come on lets go. He can handle it" Aonung reassured you leading you gentle to the ilu "We have to go." Aonung sat In front of you as you held onto him "But Neteyam. What if something happens" You started to panic but Aonung soothed you again until you were calm agreeing that Neteyam would be fine. He was strong and mighty warrior. 

You all swim away with ilu's as fast as you can but soon enough there were sky people with these under water machines. Everything happened so fast you were scared of what was gonna happen next.

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