Chapter 4

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Phil grabbed my shoulder and gently pulled me back. I quickly turned to him and began to walk out of the building.

I can't believe he would do that! How stupid can someone be? I told him one thing...

Read the cards.

He couldn't do one thing.

I stormed out and sped walked to the jet. Phil walked slightly in front of me. He motioned for the doors to be opened and let me walk in first.

I sat down and angrily crossed my legs.

"Agent Stark, Nick Fury is requesting a mission report." Phil said cautiously.

I nodded and pressed a code into the screen built into the headrest in front of me. As the lock screen cleared, Nick's face took over.

"Agent Stark. I saw the news." Nick said, amusement shining through the screen.

"Sir, this isn't funny."

"Kid... it kinda is. I knew he would do that regardless."

"Why'd you send me then?!" I fumed. Why would he send me on a useless mission?

"You needed to see him. He needed to see you." Nick said in a serious tone. I sighed and looked down. "Now, you are on your way to the next mission as we speak. I trust you have read the mission briefing. Do you have any questions." Nick continued.

"No sir." I looked up and saw Nick looking at me with a proud expression on his face.

"Good. I expect to hear from you later. Keep me updated." Nick said, adjusting something off screen.

"Will do." I said before he ended the meeting. I looked at the blank screen for a moment before looking out the window and seeing the ocean.

I thought about Tony.

He was all I had. He was the reason I decided to work at shield.

Dad's last words to me were about keeping him out of trouble. The best way to do that would be to keep him safe. Him becoming Iron man would ruin everything.

Why did he have to be so stubborn?

I decided to distract myself by seeing if I could find any clues about my next mission. I took out a tablet and began to search Shield files about Captain Rogers. I felt Phil lean over.

"He's pretty cool, right?" Phil said, looking at the screen.

"I guess... I feel bad for him, imagine being frozen for so long. I bet he's a Stevecicle right now."

Phil laughed and shook his head. "Oh! Before I forget... Shield sent us warmer clothes."

I watched Phil stand up and grab two black duffle bags. He looked at the tags and handed me one.

"Here's yours."

"Thanks Phil." I said, taking the bag and standing up. I unzipped it and found the warmest coat I had ever seen and a pair of equally warm pants. Both were lined with animal fur and were already warmer than the air around us. I held both up and decided to put them on when we got closer.

"We'll be touching down in 3 minutes, you won't be waiting too long." Phil said, seeing my hesitation to put the items on. I sighed and began to put them on.

As the plane landed, I tied my coat up. Phil had already finished so he went and opened the doors up.

A cold gust of wind blew snow into the air. Suddenly, I didn't feel so warm.

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